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Trump news: Leading ally of president lashes out over impeachment as accuser claims to have documents corroborating sexual assault

More than 40 Republicans support a resolution to slow an 'un-American' impeachment probe

Chris Riotta
New York
,Joe Sommerlad,Alex Woodward
Thursday 24 October 2019 18:59 BST
Lindsey Graham: 'What you’re doing today, in my view, is unfair to the president, is dangerous to the presidency'

A woman who appeared on the Apprentice has claimed she has corroborating evidence to support her claims that Donald Trump sexually assaulted her, according to reports.

Summer Zervos, who is suing Mr Trump for defamation, allegedly has evidence supporting claims that she was assaulted in a hotel room in 2007, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Meanwhile, Senator Lindsey Graham attacked the impeachment investigation into Donald Trump as “un-American” as he announced a Senate resolution that calls on the House to pause the probe until it holds a formal vote on the issue.

Mr Graham told reporters that if Republicans investigated an impeachment of a Democrat, “You’d have beaten the sh** out of us.”

Earlier today, the morning after they stormed into an impeachment witness testimony, Mr Trump thanked House Republicans for “being tough, smart, and understanding in detail the greatest Witch Hunt in American History. It has been going on since long before I even got Elected (the Insurance Policy!). A total Scam!”

Meanwhile, Trump walked back a bizarre claim that his administration is building a border wall in Colorado, a comment he made during an address at a shale gas conference in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, despite the mountainous state being entirely landlocked. He subsequently attempted to spin as a joke on Twitter as the ridicule rained down.

The president also lied with an anecdote about witnesses being reduced to tears by the sight of him signing an executive order - quickly disproved by video evidence of the event in question - mocked hostile demonstrators and urged his audience to demand he serve a further 16 years in office, treating an official White House event as a campaign rally.

Mr Trump was speaking after an extraordinary day on Capitol Hill in which he announced an agreement with Turkey to make its Syria ceasefire “permanent” in exchange for the lifting of sanctions as a mob of Republican congressmen caused a five-hour delay to the impeachment inquiry by protesting during the deposition of senior State Department official Laura Cooper.

Catch up on events as they happened


Russian state TV is mocking yesterday's farcical display by the Republicans in fine style. 

Joe Sommerlad24 October 2019 17:15

Donald Trump has suggested he was just kidding when he claimed the US was building a border wall in Colorado, despite the landlocked state sitting hundreds of miles from either of the nation’s foreign borders. 

The president posted a tweet on Wednesday night to seemingly walk back comments he made at a speech in Pennsylvania earlier in the day. He incorrectly said in the speech that his administration was building his campaign promise of a border wall in the state of Colorado, which borders New Mexico and Oklahoma.

“We're building a wall in Colorado," he said to the crowd in the city of Pittsburgh. “We're building a beautiful wall. A big one that really works that you can't get over, you can't get under."

Later that night, Mr Trump wrote on Twitter: “(Kiddingly) We’re building a Wall in Colorado’ (then stated, ‘we’re not building a Wall in Kansas but they get the benefit of the Wall we’re building on the Border’)”.

Full story to come...

Chris Riotta24 October 2019 17:35

Several critics of the president have spoken out about his supposed “joke” about building a border wall in the landlocked state of Colorado.

Justin Amash, a congressman who switched his political affiliation from Republican to Independent under Mr Trump, replied to the president’s tweet: “Totally makes sense.” 

Colorado Governor Jared Polis also took a swipe at the president, writing in a tweet: “Well this is awkward…”

“Good thing Colorado now offers free full day kindergarten so our kids can learn basic geography,” the Democratic governor added. 

Chris Riotta24 October 2019 17:55

The Independent's Chris Stevenson has this new analysis on how political polarisation is not just impacting the United States under Donald Trump. Rather, it's become a global phenomenon:

Chris Riotta24 October 2019 18:15

Tim Ryan has officially dropped out of the race for the White House, leaving Tulsi Gabbard as the only sitting House member still vying for a shot to take on Donald Trump in the 2020 elections: 

Chris Riotta24 October 2019 18:35

Donald Trump is praising a conversation he had with a Syrian Kurdish military leader:

Chris Riotta24 October 2019 18:55

A federal appeals court panel appears likely to reject claims made by attorneys from President Donald Trump that the president doesn't need to turn his tax records over to a state grand jury.

Mr Trump's attorneys suggested that Mr Trump is immune from local authorities pursuing a criminal indictment while he's in office, even if he had shot someone, echoing Mr Trump's campaign trail claim that he could "stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and wouldn't lose any voters."

Mr Trump's attorney William Consovoy said Mr Trump would have to be impeached first before he faces those charges.

Chris Riotta24 October 2019 19:08

Here's my story on Donald Trump attempting to take back his seemingly very serious statement that he was building a border wall in the landlocked state of Colorado:

Chris Riotta24 October 2019 19:25

New reporting indicates the White House decision to cancel its subscriptions to the New York Times and Washington Post has now shaped into calls for federal agencies to cancel their subscriptions as well: 

Chris Riotta24 October 2019 19:40

Senators Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell are scheduled to announce a resolution this afternoon condemning the impeachment investigation, which Mr Graham has called a "sham", a day after Republicans stormed into a hearing.

Mr Graham walked back his comment calling the yesterday's stunt "nuts" and tweeted that it was a "peaceful protest".

"I understand their frustration and they have good reason to be upset", he said. 

Phil Thomas24 October 2019 19:45

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