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Trump news: Leading ally of president lashes out over impeachment as accuser claims to have documents corroborating sexual assault

More than 40 Republicans support a resolution to slow an 'un-American' impeachment probe

Chris Riotta
New York
,Joe Sommerlad,Alex Woodward
Thursday 24 October 2019 18:59 BST
Lindsey Graham: 'What you’re doing today, in my view, is unfair to the president, is dangerous to the presidency'

A woman who appeared on the Apprentice has claimed she has corroborating evidence to support her claims that Donald Trump sexually assaulted her, according to reports.

Summer Zervos, who is suing Mr Trump for defamation, allegedly has evidence supporting claims that she was assaulted in a hotel room in 2007, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Meanwhile, Senator Lindsey Graham attacked the impeachment investigation into Donald Trump as “un-American” as he announced a Senate resolution that calls on the House to pause the probe until it holds a formal vote on the issue.

Mr Graham told reporters that if Republicans investigated an impeachment of a Democrat, “You’d have beaten the sh** out of us.”

Earlier today, the morning after they stormed into an impeachment witness testimony, Mr Trump thanked House Republicans for “being tough, smart, and understanding in detail the greatest Witch Hunt in American History. It has been going on since long before I even got Elected (the Insurance Policy!). A total Scam!”

Meanwhile, Trump walked back a bizarre claim that his administration is building a border wall in Colorado, a comment he made during an address at a shale gas conference in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, despite the mountainous state being entirely landlocked. He subsequently attempted to spin as a joke on Twitter as the ridicule rained down.

The president also lied with an anecdote about witnesses being reduced to tears by the sight of him signing an executive order - quickly disproved by video evidence of the event in question - mocked hostile demonstrators and urged his audience to demand he serve a further 16 years in office, treating an official White House event as a campaign rally.

Mr Trump was speaking after an extraordinary day on Capitol Hill in which he announced an agreement with Turkey to make its Syria ceasefire “permanent” in exchange for the lifting of sanctions as a mob of Republican congressmen caused a five-hour delay to the impeachment inquiry by protesting during the deposition of senior State Department official Laura Cooper.

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Trump won't like this.

One of his preferred Fox pundits, Andrew Napolitano, has been on his favourite breakfast show to denounce Gaetz's Republican mob storming the House inquiry yesterday, saying the Democrats are playing by the rules, which were written by a Republican.

Joe Sommerlad24 October 2019 14:35

Completing the TV round-up, White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham has also been on Fox this morning to say Trump loved Gaetz and Scalise's stunt yesterday and agreed with his statement that those who don't support him are "scum", sounding every bit the mouthpiece of a fascist superstate in a dystopian future.

Joe Sommerlad24 October 2019 14:50

A Wayne Johnson, a senior student loan official under Trump's education secretary Betsy DeVos, appears to have had a road to Damascus moment and is resigning having decided that America's $1.5trn (£1.2trn) student debt portfolio should be wiped out, according to The Wall Street Journal.

"We run through the process of putting this debt burden on somebody… but it rides on their credit files - it rides on their back - for decades... The time has come for us to end and stop the insanity," says the man initially appointed in 2017 as chief operating officer of the Office of Federal Student Aid, before becoming its chief strategy and transformation officer.

Denouncing a "broken system", Johnson is also now advocating a tax credit of up to $50,000 (£38,870) for graduates who have already repaid their debt, which he regards as a crucial incentive to attracting wider support for canceling student debt.

Joe Sommerlad24 October 2019 15:10

South Carolina senator Lindsey Graham will apparently be introducing a Senate resolution cooked up with Mitch McConnell "condemning the House of Representatives’ closed door, illegitimate impeachment inquiry" at a press conference to be held at 3pm today local time, the latest Republican attempt to discredit Chairman Schiff's investigation.

A House equivalent put forward by Kevin McCarthy was already easily shot down earlier this week and the move appears to be the result of pressure being placed on the duo from Trump's inner circle.

More entertainingly, Graham has also got the hump with Obama's former national security adviser Susan Rice after she called him "a piece of s***" on a podcast. 

Joe Sommerlad24 October 2019 15:25

Here's a classic we haven't heard for a while.

This is presumably his endorsement of the pizza-fuelled melee we saw yesterday.

Some are seeking a subtle dig at the Senate in this tweet.

Joe Sommerlad24 October 2019 15:35

Remember Melania Trump?

The first lady is seldom seen or heard from these days, outside of breaking ground on a new White House tennis pavilion two weeks ago.

She did make her first solo trip to Capitol Hill yesterday, however, to mark the the one-year anniversary of a law to address the opioid epidemic. People magazine took the opportunity to ask her about the impeachment inquiry and did not get very far:

What she did not want to talk about, it seems, was the impeachment inquiry into her husband, President Donald Trump.

According to reporters at the event, she was asked at one point at the Capitol, after leaving the event, 'How is the impeachment inquiry affecting you and your family?'

She did not answer - though her husband, 73, has had many things to say, including this week controversially comparing the investigation to a 'lynching'.

Joe Sommerlad24 October 2019 15:55

This is exceptional stuff from New Jersey senator Cory Booker, it must be said. Absolutely eviscerating Breitbart.

Joe Sommerlad24 October 2019 16:10

The National Archives and Records Administration is launching an investigation into Trump's commerce secretary Wilbur Ross over the use of private email for official business, according to a letter made public this week.

That laughter in the dark you're hearing is Hillary Clinton.

Now what about Jared Kushner conducting his day-to-day affairs on WhatsApp?

Joe Sommerlad24 October 2019 16:25

Florida pastor Rick Wiles appeared on his TruNews programme this week to warn that "guys that know how to do violence" would hunt down and attack Democrats should Trump be removed from office.

His inflammatory remarks echo those made by his Texan counterpart Robert Jeffress last month on Fox, the latter warning of a "Civil War like fracture in this Nation" should the president be impeached, an alarming statement the man himself was only too happy to tweet in full, provoking widespread condemnation.

As Politico points out today, Trump has a struggle on his hands to maintain the support of the all-important Christian right, many of whom disapprove of his actions in Syria.

Influential televangelist Pat Robertson, for one, has warned Trump is "in danger of losing the mandate of heaven".

Joe Sommerlad24 October 2019 16:45

Here's Trump striking a defiant note on Isis after removing American forces from northern Syria with little thought for the prospect of the Islamist extremist group's resurgence without an opposition in place to stop them.

Joe Sommerlad24 October 2019 16:55

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