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Super Tuesday: Bloomberg endorses Biden in bid 'to defeat Trump' as Sanders launches fresh attack on frontrunner

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Clark Mindock
New York
,Chris Riotta,Alex Woodward,Joe Sommerlad
Wednesday 04 March 2020 20:05 GMT
Super Tuesday: Jo Biden talks about campaign turn-around

Donald Trump has taken to Twitter to mock Michael Bloomberg after he dropped out of the Democratic 2020 race and to sow division among progressive candidates Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren following the party’s Super Tuesday primaries, accusing the latter of splitting the vote and damaging her friend and rival’s chances in key regions.

Former US vice president Joe Biden was the big winner as 14 states went to the polls yesterday, completing the comeback he began at last weekend’s South Carolina primary by claiming at least nine key states including Texas, with Maine also projected to be confirmed in his favour.

Sanders did take home the top prize, the delegate-rich state of California, but otherwise secured only three others, an outcome that saw the moderate wing of the party come together emphatically to back Biden.

In the fallout of those contests, Mr Bloomberg held a rally in New York City where he announced he was endorsing Mr Biden.

Mr Sanders, meanwhile, opened fresh lines of attack on Mr Biden as the two gear up for a two-man race going forward.

And, Ms Warren's team suggested she is considering her path forward — with many believing that means she plans on dropping out of the race imminently.

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Bernie says he's giving Warren space

The Vermont senator said he has spoken to his progressive counterpart, and that she told him she is assessing her campaign.

He then asked that people "respect the time and space that she needs to make her decision."

"In terms of vitriol online, I'm disgusted by it. I think the Twitter world is an opportunity for people to debate issues, to have good honest debates about issues, but not make vitriolic attacks on somebody because you disagree with them."

Clark Mindock4 March 2020 21:29

Bullock to run for Senate in Montana

The one time presidential candidate had been coy, and said he wouldn't join the race.

But, his addition to the race gives Democrats a fighting chance at regaining the Senate this November, which would mark a stellar political comeback for the party just four years after the embarrassment of 2016.

Clark Mindock4 March 2020 22:17

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