Melania Trump: First Lady says she would like to spend Christmas on a deserted island

Ms Trump revealed that it was her wish to pass it on the remote location in the tropics

Jeff Farrell
Friday 08 December 2017 16:36 GMT
Ms Trump spoke out to a group of youngsters during a visit to the Children’s National hospital in Washington DC
Ms Trump spoke out to a group of youngsters during a visit to the Children’s National hospital in Washington DC (AP)

Melania Trump has said she would like to spend Christmas on a deserted island – as she gears up for her first festive holiday with her husband Donald at the helm of the White House.

The First Lady revealed that the remote location in the tropics would be her ideal place to be this Yuletide when asked where she would wish to spend the time if she had a choice.

But she will spend it as usual with her family, and their tradition was to go to church on both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day – as well as open presents and have dinner together.

The Trumps will pass the holiday amid growing headaches for the US president, who has been fighting off claims over links between his election campaign and Russia.

Ms Trump spoke to an audience of youngsters in a visit to the Children’s National hospital in Washington DC.

Andy, 10, drew laughter when she asked the First Lady where she would pass the festive season if she had a choice of going anywhere in the world.

“I would spend my holidays on a deserted island, tropical island with my family,” said Ms Trump, USA Today reported.

She went on to detail how the First Family will be spending Christmas.

They have dinner together on Christmas Eve before going to a midnight Mass or a service on Christmas Day, followed by another family meal.

Ms Trump insisted only “healthy food” was on her menu, saying: “You feel very good after. Not too much eating.”

She added: “On the 25th, Santa comes. We open the presents and spend time together.”

She was clear what her ideal present would be — and it wasn't the kind to come wrapped up in a box. “I asked Santa for Christmas, uh, peace on the world, health, love and kindness."

Ms Trump later tweeted that she had fielded “fun questions” from the youngsters.

It came as a Slovenian magazine apologised to Ms Trump for suggesting she had worked as a high-class escort while pursuing her international modelling career, and said it is paying her compensation.

The Suzy women's magazine said that it published an article in August 2016 in which it said Ms Trump in the past worked for a fashion agency that also offers an "elite escort" service.

It said the article "was understood as if Melania Trump conducted the escort job. We have no proof for that. So we apologize. We had no intention to hurt and offend Mrs. Trump".

Ms Trump had filed a libel lawsuit against the magazine through her Slovenian lawyer.

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