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Sunak news – live: Starmer says PM being bullied by party as senior Tories slam Simon Clarke’s ‘foolish’ coup

Simon Clarke claims Rishi Sunak’s ‘uninspiring leadership is the main obstacle to our recovery’

Britain under Tories is ‘longest episode of Eastenders ever,’ says Keir Starmer

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has claimed Rishi Sunak is being “bullied” by his own MPs and he used PMQs to mock the prime minister after a fresh Tory civil war erupted.

Sir Keir said Mr Sunak was “endlessly” fighting with his own party and that the more “they slag him off behind his back, the louder they cheer in here”.

It comes after Liz Truss ally Sir Simon Clarke claimed the Conservative Party could face “extinction” unless the prime minister resigns.

Sir Simon, who served in the Treasury under Mr Sunak, made the intervention in the Daily Telegraph to urge his colleagues to sack the PM ahead of the looming general election, arguing he “has sadly gone from asset to anchor”.

Tory MPs have rounded on Sir Simon’s attempted coup, branding his move against Mr Sunak as “foolish” and “facile”. A senior Conservative MP told The Independent Sir Simon was “flying a kite that’s already broken” and they did not expect fellow right-wingers to join his rebellion.

However, the Conservative Democratic Organisation – led by allies of former prime minister Boris Johnson – are demanding a leadership vote for fear of “electoral disaster”.


No one likes the guy yelling ‘iceberg’, says Tory who called for Sunak’s ousting

Sir Simon Clarke has compared himself to a man shouting “iceberg” in the face of approaching oblivion as he came under fire from senior Conservatives for demanding Rishi Sunak’s replacement.

The former Cabinet minister insisted he was acting alone rather than as part of an orchestrated plot as he acknowledged a “pretty hostile” response from many Tory MPs.

Home Secretary James Cleverly was among a string of current and former ministers slapping down Sir Simon for his attack on Mr Sunak.

Sam Blewett reports:

No one likes the guy yelling ‘iceberg’, says Tory who called for Sunak’s ousting

Former Cabinet minister Sir Simon Clarke faced a backlash from Tory colleagues for demanding the Prime Minister’s replacement.

Tara Cobham25 January 2024 07:00

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