Social media denounces Liz Truss as ‘thick’ but reveres Blair and Brown

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Thursday 08 September 2022 18:07 BST
Who is really ‘thick’ here? Or is this proof of just how misogynistic the British press is?
Who is really ‘thick’ here? Or is this proof of just how misogynistic the British press is? (Gett)

In recent days I have seen Liz Truss described on social media as “thick”, as we have done regularly with Angela Rayner. Conversely, the same people revere Tony Blair and Gordon Brown as great oracles of wisdom.

The truth, however, is that Blair and Brown – despite inheriting a solid economy – left the country with a trillion pound debt and greater wealth inequality.

So, who is really “thick” here? Or is this just proof of how misogynistic some people in the country are?

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