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Labour must avoid factionalism at all costs

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Saturday 25 November 2023 18:19 GMT
Diversity in the Labour Party, with some discordant voices, is healthy
Diversity in the Labour Party, with some discordant voices, is healthy (AFP/Getty)

Angela Rayner is right that diversity in the Labour Party, with some discordant voices, is healthy – as long as it can agree to disagree without a cataclysmic fallout. The Conservative Party has become so deeply factionalised and that must be avoided at all costs, as it is so counter-productive.

Yes, she and Starmer are different types of politicians, but both want the same thing, which is a Labour government. Personally, for me, that is all that matters.

But I would mention that when asked about alleviating our economic gloom, the mantra “We will scrap the UK’s non-dom tax status” is beginning to sound like a stuck record. I would imagine the public are shouting back “Yes we get it, but let’s have some more fiscal policies as well”.

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