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Tax cuts before an election are nothing but a bribe

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Wednesday 31 January 2024 17:46 GMT
Jeremy Hunt is undoubtedly taking his orders from Rishi Sunak to sweeten the economy in order to win this year’s election
Jeremy Hunt is undoubtedly taking his orders from Rishi Sunak to sweeten the economy in order to win this year’s election (Getty Images)

The chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, is widely expected to cut taxes in his March Budget. However, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), has announced that if his tax giveaway were to be true it would be detrimental to Britain’s future. They further clarify that it would be “very challenging to achieve” with an aging population and high government debt.

And, of course, it has been discovered that this giveaway will benefit those on high salaries while pensioners and low-paid workers will pay a heavy price to enrich those already able to withstand financial hardships. However, Hunt is undoubtedly taking his orders from Rishi Sunak to sweeten the economy in order to win this year’s election.

The state of our country, especially the economy, has taken a serve nosedive since the Tories came to power 14 years ago. You’d think that with all that time spent on honing the economy, the Tories would achieve success. But instead the economy is in a parlous state swinging between being in a depression and barely paying our way.

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