As the midterms approach, our fact checkers are being given the runaround by Trump

There are promises Trump has made which would be constitutionally impossible for him to implement – but he doesn't want you to know that

Chris Stevenson
Saturday 03 November 2018 02:49 GMT

As Donald Trump starts his final push in the last days before the midterm elections, he is due to attend multiple ‘Make America Great Again’ rallies a day.

That will make the job of any news editor harder. One recent analysis estimated that President Trump had made more than 1,000 false or misleading statements in the seven weeks leading up to Tuesday’s midterm elections, which will decide control of the US Congress. Based in The Independent’s US offices in New York, ours has been a constant battle to fact check everything coming out of the President’s mouth.

The Democrats are looking to retake at least one of the two chambers of Congress in these elections, most likely the House of Representatives, which would put them in a position to try and hobble Trump’s future agenda. That makes the next week a very important time for American reporters.

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