Passenger’s wife ‘slaps him’ after anti-mask tirade on easyJet flight

‘Get them off, get them off,’ shouts traveller

Helen Coffey
Wednesday 28 October 2020 13:46 GMT
Passenger's wife 'slaps him' after anti-mask tirade on easyJet flight

An easyJet passenger was allegedly slapped by his wife after delivering an anti-mask tirade onboard a recent flight.

The unnamed man was filmed shouting at fellow travellers, telling them to “fight back” and saying: “I'm serious, get them off, get them off.”

“I tell you what, God help you, the longer you wear those masks, God help you,” he says in a video shared online.

He is heard shouting at a woman, who is reportedly his wife, “Shut up you f***ing imbecile”, before she allegedly slapped him, according to another passenger who witnessed the incident.

“The guy was shouting and swearing about the fact we are now having to wear masks and have our freedom and lifestyles restricted,” the person who took the footage told the Mail Online.

“Things quickly escalated from the shouting and all hell broke loose when his wife slapped him, only for him to retaliate and other passengers intervene.”

The incident took place onboard flight EZY1907 from Manchester to Tenerife on 6 September.

EasyJet has confirmed that police met the aircraft on arrival in Tenerife after a passenger became disruptive and refused to wear a mask.

“In line with new guidelines, all passengers are currently required to bring their own face mask for their flight which must be worn during boarding and onboard,” a spokesperson told The Independent.

“EasyJet’s cabin crew are trained to assess and evaluate all situations and to act quickly and appropriately to ensure that the safety of the flight and other passengers is not compromised at any time.

"Whilst such incidents are rare, we take them very seriously, and do not tolerate abusive or threatening behaviour on board.

“The safety and wellbeing of customers and crew is our highest priority.”

It’s the latest in a long line of stories in which passengers have been removed from flights for not following new rules that require them to wear face coverings.

A passenger was recently kicked off a Delta flight after hitting a flight attendant in the face.

Video of the incident shows the unnamed woman squaring up to the female member of cabin crew and appearing to punch her.

“You shouldn’t have touched me. You pushed me,” the woman is heard saying repeatedly, while wearing her mask underneath her chin, rather than over her nose and mouth.

The incident occurred on a flight from Miami to Atlanta on 20 October, and was sparked after the passenger refused to wear her mask correctly.

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