Tim Cook insists Vision Pro on track for release: ‘I watched all of Ted Lasso Season 3 on it’

‘It is more complex and requires innovation not only in development but also in the manufacturing’

Vishwam Sankaran
Monday 18 September 2023 08:39 BST
Related video: Apple unveils new products at Launch Day

Tim Cook has seen “the entire third season of Ted Lasso” on the Apple Vision Pro headset as he confirmed the company’s new and highly anticipated product is set to release on schedule.

The headset, announced in June this year, is a virtual reality tool that allows people to see apps projected on top of the room around them.

Apple said it allows apps to be “freed from the confines of a display” and mark a shift towards “spatial computing”.

During the launch event in June, the tech giant said the headset would cost a whopping $3,499 and be available early next year in the US.

In an interview with CBS Sunday Morning, the tech giant’s boss emphatically said the headset, deemed one of Apple’s most important products since the iPhone, is on track for release.

Mr Cook was asked whether the product was still set for release in early 2024.

The Apple boss replied saying “it is on track”, and added that he was “using it on a regular basis”.

“I watched the entire third season of Ted lasso on the Vision Pro,” he said.

“And of course there’s some things that I have access to that other people don’t have.

“It is more complex and requires innovation not only in development but also in the manufacturing,” he said.

Mr Cook also discussed Apple’s environmental initiatives, including plans to power 100,000 homes in Brown County, Texas with clean energy.

While announcing the Vision Pro headset, Apple had said the device is the “most ambitious” product it has ever created.

The headset has glass on the front and inside and an aluminium frame and a soft band that raps around the head.

Apple said during the product’s announcement that its ambitious display is detailed enough to show 4K video natively.

With the headset, Mr Cook said users will be able to “interact with digital content just like it’s in your physical space”, and will no longer be “limited by the display”.

Apple also announced the new Apple watch last week – its first “totally carbon neutral” product.

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