Ucas causes confusion after mailing packages of tampons to female students

Debate ignites as male student accuses the admissions service of 'favoriting the females'

Aftab Ali
Student Editor
Monday 25 July 2016 14:59 BST
Female students across the country awoke at the weekend to find Ucas had sent them packages
Female students across the country awoke at the weekend to find Ucas had sent them packages

Ucas has left prospective undergraduates across the country scratching their heads after sending females students tampons and sanitary products in the mail.

Students have taken to social media to express their confusion at receiving the packages containing Always and Tampax products with the accompanying message: “Because the best times call for the best protection...”

One student from Surrey shared an email she received from Ucas which showed the admissions service had teamed up with Procter & Gamble to send the handy gifts out “so you can stay your fresh and confident self as you prepare for whatever next year brings.”

For some, the unexpected presents have just been too much:

Others, however, just cant seem to get over the fact they received the much-needed free products over unconditional offers into their university of choice:

Others, though, are confused as to why some are confused at getting the essentials:

According to The University Paper, however, a male student has accused the admissions service of “favoriting the females,” and contacted Ucas to highlight how “we males feel left out.” He added: “Could you send us some Durex Condoms please?”

Ucas replied: “There’s something to be sent out to males in the future.”

A female student at Gloucestershire University told the site, though, she thought such comments were “totally unfair,” and explained: “I do not choose to have periods. If I could live without them, while still having the choice to have children, then I would. Periods are not a choice, sex is.”

Both Ucas and Procter & Gamble have yet to respond to the Independent’s request for comment. However, a Ucas spokesperson told The University Paper it regularly works with companies that provide useful products and services aimed at students, and that females who opted in to receiving commercial emails were recently alerted to let them know they would be sent samples.

The spokesperson added: “As Ucas receives no direct government funding, our commercial work helps keep the cost for students as low as possible. Applicants can opt-out of receiving these at any time.”

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