Liverpool: Nine fans arrested at Premier League celebrations for defying police orders

Both clubs made pleas for fans to watch the celebrations from home, with one police officer injured outside Elland Road as four people were arrested at Leeds United’s Championship celebration

Jack de Menezes
Sports News Correspondent
Thursday 23 July 2020 12:50 BST
Fireworks and flares set off at Anfield as Liverpool lift the Premier League trophy

Nine people were arrested as Liverpool fans defied a police Dispersal Order to celebrate their Premier League title triumph, while four people were arrested outside Elland Road where Leeds supporters gathered to honour their Championship triumph.

Police expressed their disappointment that thousands of people ignored social distancing advice to celebrate the two clubs’ success this season, and urged people to “act sensibly, follow Government guidance and keep themselves and each other safe”.

Despite being urged by Merseyside Police, Liverpool Football Club, the City Council and the Spirit of Shankly supporters’ group to stay away from Anfield on Wednesday night, large numbers defied authorities to join in the celebrations as Liverpool lifted the Premier League trophy - despite no fans being allowed inside the stadium.

To try and avoid a repeat of the scenes witnessed at the end of last month at Anfield and in the city centre, Merseyside Police implemented a 48-hour Dispersal Order to prevent fans from hanging around Anfield, but many ignored the exclusion zone with fireworks and flares set off throughout the night.

Assistant Chief Constable Natalie Perischine, from Merseyside Police, said: "Officers made a total of nine arrests outside Anfield last night for affray, assault, people who were drunk and disorderly and drug-driving.

"The vast majority of the crowd were good-natured and had dispersed by 2am.

"Thankfully we didn't see the sort of incidents of disorder and criminal damage we saw at the Pier Head on 27 June, the investigation into which has seen more than 20 arrests made to date.

"If you did witness any criminal or anti-social behaviour last night, let us know and we will investigate fully."

Meanwhile, West Yorkshire Police have said that four people were arrested at Elland Road following Leeds United’s final Championship game of the season, where the club were celebrating their return to the Premier League after a 16-year wait following their title triumph.

In a statement, superintendent Jackie Marsh, of Leeds District Police, said: "The safety of fans and the wider public has always been our primary concern and that is why we advised the safest way for people to celebrate in these times was in their own homes.

Liverpool fans defied police orders to celebrate outside Anfield
Liverpool fans defied police orders to celebrate outside Anfield (AFP via Getty)

"However, it was anticipated that some fans would gather outside the ground last night to celebrate and a police operation was put in place to make sure that this was managed safely and effectively.

"This operation saw a total of four people arrested for public order offences. One officer received a minor injury which did not require hospital treatment.

"While most of those who gathered did so with good intentions, there were some missiles thrown which resulted in officers having to wear protective equipment.

"Assaults on police officers will not be tolerated and enquiries will be made to identify those responsible so appropriate action can be taken."

Leeds players and staff lift Championship trophy on a bus outside Elland Road (Getty)
Leeds players and staff lift Championship trophy on a bus outside Elland Road (Getty) (Getty Images)

Leeds were criticised after the team appeared on an open-top bus to celebrate with the Championship trophy, with around 5,000 supporters gathering to celebrate their first league title in 28 years.

However, the club stressed that the decision was taken in conjunction with the Safety Advisory Group (Sag) in an effort to bring an end to the night’s celebrations.

A Leeds spokesperson said: “Following consultation with the SAG and (Leeds City) Council, Leeds United arranged for a bus to be parked outside the East Stand reception as a contingency to assist dispersal should a crowd congregate at Elland Road despite a month-long campaign from the club and supporter groups to encourage supporters to stay at home.

“The safety group believed that a brief appearance from the players with the Championship trophy, would help to signal an end to proceedings, encouraging fans to head home safely. In challenging circumstances fan safety has always been our priority.”

Staff from Liverpool City Council took to the streets to begin the clear-up job around Anfield on Thursday after the surrounding area was left covered in rubbish, bottles and cans, and Ms Perischine expressed her disappointment with those who ignored social distancing guidelines.

"Although the numbers who gathered last night could have been significantly higher, it is still disappointing that people did not listen to requests from ourselves, Liverpool Football Club and Liverpool City Council not to gather in large numbers because of the risks still posed by Covid-19,” she said.

"We are all still in unprecedented times due to the pandemic and the last thing anyone wants is a resurgence of cases in Merseyside, with every life lost a tragedy, so I want to take this opportunity to again urge people to act sensibly, follow Government guidance and keep themselves and each other safe."

Merseyside Police have reminded local residents that the dispersal zone around Anfield remains in place until 9:30pm on Friday night, with police officers expected to patrol the area until the order is lifted.

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