Kash Ali bites David Price four times to get disqualified as Tony Bellew labels him ‘a disgrace’ with ban likely

Ali is facing a heavy fine and a possible ban from boxing after biting Price in the fifth round of their non-title fight on Saturday, with Tony Bellew labelled the Birmingham fight ‘a disgrace’

Jack de Menezes
Sunday 31 March 2019 12:17 BST
Kash Ali bites David Price during fight

Heavyweight Kash Ali is facing a ban from boxing and a heavy fine after being disqualified for biting David Price during the fifth round of their non-title fight at the M&S Bank Arena in Liverpool.

Price had earlier accused Ali of biting his arm early in the fight, and when the two heavyweights fell to the canvas, Ali could be seen biting the chest of Price.

Afterwards, Price revealed that he believed Ali had bitten him four times throughout the bout, though referee Mark Lyson only spotted two of them.

The Liverpudlian returned to his feet and showed the bite mark to referee Lyson, who immediately stopped the fight and disqualified Ali. The disgraceful finish to the bout summed up Ali’s night, having already been docked a point for punching Price in the back of the head.

Price revealed after the fight that Ali had requested a rematch with him, but he has no intention of fighting the Birmingham-born boxer again.

Speaking in the ring, the fight broadcast on Sky Sports, Price was asked about a rematch, but he said: “I am here to box and I don’t want to get in the ring with an animal like that ever again. When somebody mistakes niceness for softness they are going to pay for it because that is what brings out the worst in me.

“I hurt him to the body just before the final bite he took. He did a couple early on and I thought he had lost his head completely. He said he wanted a rematch, but I don’t want to share a ring with an animal like that again. The main thing is that I move forward. I will take any win, and now we move on.”

Referee Mark Lyson attempted to pull Ali off of Price after he bit him
Referee Mark Lyson attempted to pull Ali off of Price after he bit him (PA)

Former world cruiserweight champion Tony Bellew branded Ali "a disgrace" and called for him to be banned.

“His bottle went and they were disgusting things which have no place in a boxing ring. He bit him not once, not twice, not even three times, he bit him four times and the referee caught him twice.

“He’s a disgrace and shouldn’t be allowed back in a boxing ring ever again. He should not be paid for the fight, give the money to grassroots boxing and help develop amateur boxing.

“Biting a man when they’re on the floor, there aren’t many lower things in life.”

Price showed the bite mark left by Ali
Price showed the bite mark left by Ali (Getty)

On the same card former WBO light-middleweight champion Liam Smith outclassed his former sparring partner Sam Eggington, whose corner threw in the towel in the fifth round of a one-sided contest.

Meanwhile Rio Olympian Antony Fowler lost his unbeaten professional record to former Great Britain team-mate Scott Fitzgerald, who triumphed via split decision after 10 tumultuous rounds.

Fowler, a heavy favourite, started on top before Fitzgerald took over in the middle part of the contest to build a slender points lead.

Ali left clearly visible teeth marks on Price's torso
Ali left clearly visible teeth marks on Price's torso (Action Images)

Fowler had a strong ninth round, rattling Fitzgerald with a big uppercut, but the Preston man reacted superbly in the last as he dropped Fowler to scrape home 95-94 (twice), with the third judge scoring 96-94 for Fowler.

Additional reporting by PA

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