The top ten: Animal noises in other languages

Thanks to Derek Abbott at the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Adelaide, who has compiled a fine online database…

John Rentoul
Saturday 10 October 2015 17:52 BST
Pig grunting in Swedish
Pig grunting in Swedish (Getty)

1. Boon boon

Bee buzzing in Japanese. (And summ summ in German.)

2. Fiyt fiyt

Small bird tweeting in Russian.

3. Ronron

Cat purring in French.

4. Coccodé

Chicken clucking in Italian.

5. Baeh

Cow lowing in Urdu.

6. Gav gav

Dog barking in Greek.

7. Quaak quaak

Frog croaking in German.

8. Háp háp

Duck quacking in Hungarian. (And coin coin in French.)

9. Nöff nöff

Pig grunting in Swedish.

10. Clou clou

Turkey gobbling in Spanish.

Next week: Unanswered questions in songs ('Is there life on Mars?')

Coming soon: People who would have been good on Twitter (with Twitter name and sample tweet). Send your suggestions, and ideas for future Top 10s, to

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