Heart-stopping moment Ukrainians defuse live Russian bomb using water bottle

Explosions could be heard in background as disposal experts worked on weapon

Graeme Massie
Los Angeles
Friday 11 March 2022 18:09 GMT
Shells heard falling as Ukrainians defuse unexploded Russian bomb
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Two fearless Ukrainians used just a bottle of water and their bare hands as they defused a live Russian bomb.

One disposal expert dripped water over the tip of the unexploded weapon as the other gently removed the detonator in amazing video footage released by the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.

The water was reportedly dripped over the tip of the weapon to prevent static discharge as the top of the bomb was carefully unscrewed.

And the men carried out their alarming task as the sound of explosions could be heard in the background of the 30-second video.

Neither specialist even appeared to be wearing protective equipment as they carried out the work in the northern city of Chernihiv, where the bomb came from a downed Russian fighter jet, according to the Ukrainian government.

CNN’s Anderson Cooper described the footage as “a moment of remarkable cool under pressure.”

Meanwhile, the White House said on Friday that there are “strong indications” that Russia is committing war crimes in Ukraine.

“We have all seen the devastating images coming out of Ukraine and are appalled by Russia’s brutal tactics. Pregnant women on stretchers, apartment buildings shelled, families killed while seeking safety from this terrible violence. We are also seeing reports of other types of potential abuses, including sexual and gender-based violence,” White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates told reporters aboard Air Force One.

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