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Trump news: EU president launches blistering attack on president as Johnson vows to confront him over trade war

Follow world leaders meeting in Biarritz, France, as it happened

Samuel Osborne
Saturday 24 August 2019 18:30 BST
Donald Tusk says 'under no condition' can G7 welcome Russia back as Trump suggested

Donald Tusk launched a scathing attack on Donald Trump and Boris Johnson as world leaders arrived in France for the G7 summit.

The European Council president warned Mr Johnson could go down in history as "Mr No Deal" before the prime minister had even touched down.

But speaking on the plane to Biarritz, Mr Johnson retaliated by suggesting a failure to reach a Brexit agreement would also reflect badly on Mr Tusk.

The prime minister is preparing for his first international summit and meeting with US president Donald Trump since he entered Downing Street.

Ahead of the summit, which continues until Monday, Mr Johnson warned his Brexit critics they were “gravely mistaken” about the UK losing its place on the world stage.

Samuel Osborne24 August 2019 16:58

Boris Johnson talks about the “three obsessions” he has for the UK and the world after touching down for his first G7 summit today.

Chiara.Giordano24 August 2019 17:10

Boris Johnson has vowed to confront Donald Trump over the escalating trade tensions with China, warning the US president he could be blamed for a potential global economic downturn.

More here from political editor Andrew Woodcock:

Chiara.Giordano24 August 2019 17:32

About 9,000 people marching against the G7 summit for various causes walked from southwest France into Spain under heavy security as world leaders arrived in the French seaside resort of Biarritz today.

Regional police said there were no arrests or incidents during the peaceful demonstration, which involved protesters from a number of countries.

(Georges Gobet/AFP/Getty) 

(Gaizka Iroz/AFP/Getty) 

(Thomas Samson/AFP/Getty) 

Chiara.Giordano24 August 2019 17:57

A French diplomat has claimed the country's president Emmanuel Macron outlined details of a French plan to ease tensions with Iran during his lunch with US leader Donald Trump today.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, the French official said France had been working on the plan for several weeks.

The plan involves allowing Iran to export oil for a limited amount of time, if Iran agrees to fully implement the 2015 nuclear deal, reduce tensions in the Gulf, and open talks.

(AP Photo/Andrew Harnik) 

Chiara.Giordano24 August 2019 18:16

Boris Johnson took advantage of a small window of time before the G7 summit officially starts to sit down with the other European leaders to discuss Brexit.

The prime minister sat down with European Council leader Donald Tusk, Germany’s Angela Merkel, France’s Emmanuel Macron and Italy’s Giuseppe Conte.

(Andrew Parsons - Pool/Getty)

Mr Johnson earlier this week met separately with Ms Merkel and Mr Macron, who challenged him to come up with a better alternative to the main sticking point – the deadlock on the Irish border question.

Chiara.Giordano24 August 2019 18:39

Police have fired a water cannon at about 400 protesters blocking roads in a town near the G7 summit venue in France.

A handful of protesters are said to have thrown stones at police, who responded with warning shots and then a water cannon.

The incident happened near a bridge barricaded by police as part of extensive security measures around the G7 meeting.

The majority of the crowd in Bayonne was largely peaceful, however, with some activists dancing.

(AP/Bob Edme) 

(AP/Emilio Morenatti) 

(AP/Emilio Morenatti) 

Chiara.Giordano24 August 2019 18:53

Chiara.Giordano24 August 2019 18:54

The European leaders will dine on local specialities of the Basque region during tonight’s informal dinner.

According to the menu released by the French president’s office, dinner starts with a contemporary take on a piperade, a dish typically made with tomatoes, onions, green peppers and a dose of the local dried red pepper, known as piment d’Espelette.

The appetiser will be followed by line-caught red tuna, prepared in a style known locally as Marmitako, which is a stew cooked in an earthenware dish traditionally with tomatoes and other vegetables.

The meal ends with local cheeses, and dessert with peaches and a selection of Basque cakes.

Chiara.Giordano24 August 2019 19:32

Emmanuel Macron is said to have told Donald Trump that a new digital services tax France is imposing on internet giants is not an anti-American policy.

During a two-hour working lunch with the US president, the French leader stressed the importance for every country to be able to tax digital activities, according to a French diplomat, speaking anonymously.

(AP/Andrew Harnik)

Mr Trump has repeatedly vowed to retaliate against France for the new digital tax the country is imposing on big tech companies that sell online advertising by placing tariffs on French wine imports to the US.

The French diplomat said Mr Macron told the US president there was no link to be made between the digital tax and the wine tariffs and tried to convince him there was no point in opening a trade war on the issue.

Chiara.Giordano24 August 2019 20:10

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