Bullfighter gored to death by bull in Portugal

Bullfighter was challenging the bull with his own bare hands

Samuel Osborne
Monday 18 September 2017 12:02 BST
Fernando Quintela was trapped between the bulls horns and then tossed to the ground
Fernando Quintela was trapped between the bulls horns and then tossed to the ground (Tauronews Oficial/YouTube)

A bullfighter has been gored to death after provoking a bull into charging at him.

Fernando Quintela, 26, suffered internal haemorrhaging after he was charged by the bull, which trapped him between its horns and tossed him onto the floor of the bullring in Lisbon, Portugal.

Mr Quintela was acting as a "forcado," one of eight men who challenge the bull with their bare hands.

Their job is to provoke the bull into charging, and Mr Quintela was taking steps towards the bull before it ran at him.

The Amadores de Alcochete forcado group posted a tribute to Fernando Quintela on Facebook (Forcados Amadores de Alcochete/Facebook)

Typically, the head forcado is meant to grab hold of the bull's head as it charges, while the others jump on the animal to subdue it.

They wear traditional clothing which includes a long green knitted hat.

Although the other forcados rushed to pull him free, Mr Quintela had already suffered internal injuries and bleeding.

​He was taken to Sao Jose hospital but surgeons were unable to stop the internal haemorrhaging from his wounds and he died hours later.

Mr Quintela was a member of the Amadores de Alcochete forcado group, which posted a tribute to him on Facebook.

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