India: Victim of alleged gang-rape claims police asked her ‘Which one gave you the greatest pleasure’

She claims she was forced to sign documents and withdraw her case

Friday 04 November 2016 15:14 GMT
The couple faced the press with their faces covered to hide their identity
The couple faced the press with their faces covered to hide their identity (Youtube Screengrab)

A victim of an alleged gang-rape has claimed she was asked, "Which one of them gave you the greatest pleasure?” by police.

The woman from Kerala in India, who has chosen not to reveal her identity, claims she was raped by her husband’s friends when he was away.

When she reported the alleged crime to the police she claims she was asked intrusive questions, forced to sign documents and pressured to withdraw her case.

"I was called to the police station for four days continuously and made to sit there from morning to evening. I was asked humiliating questions," she said, according to RT.

"They later gave me a letter to produce before the magistrate and forced me to withdraw the case. They made me sign papers but I don't know what was in it."

The incident occurred two years ago, but the woman shared her story with dubbing artist and activist Bhagya Lakshmi, who put it on social media.

She alleges four of her husband’s friends arrived at her home pretending her partner was in hospital. They then drove her to a secluded house and she claims they then proceeded to rape her.

The woman also said they recorded the assaults and threatened to make the videos public if she went to the police. The alleged rapists also reportedly said they would kill her children if she reported the crime.

The woman told her husband two months after the incident, who convinced her to go to the police. She described the questioning she faced from investigators as “mental torture”.

“Maybe they tortured me mentally because they knew that I had no evidence,” she said.

The woman alleges the police told her she could change her affidavit and the rapists harassed and threatened her into withdrawing the case.

“They threatened to kill my children if I spoke out the truth. When the magistrate asked me if there was any pressure on me, I cried,” she said.

One of the accused, P.N Jayanthan, is a municipal councillor at the Communist Party of India (CPM) and claims the woman has lied. He argues she is trying to get back at him for demanding the couple pay back a loan they took from him.

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