Watch the US missile defence in Korea that has China spooked knock out an incoming missile

The US just successfully launched the world's most advanced missile defence system in South Korea, amidst growing tension with North Korea and China

Alex Lockie
Wednesday 03 May 2017 15:57 BST

US defence officials confirmed on Tuesday that the Terminal High Altitude Area Defence, or THAAD missile defence system has been successfully deployed in South Korea.

THAAD, the world's most advanced missile defence system, has both China and North Korea spooked, as its powerful radar could potentially spot and knock down Chinese missiles, and persistent rumours say it could be bad for the health of South Koreans in the region, despite evidence to the contrary.

But THAAD is a purely defensive weapons system. The missiles do not even carry warheads, and rely solely on kinetic energy to smash incoming missiles without detonating their high explosive, or possibly nuclear payload.

In the clip below, see how THAAD knocks out an incoming missile threat.

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