US Senator Elizabeth Warren hits back at 'mainsplaining' JP Morgan executive

'The problem is not that I don't understand the global banking system. The problem for these guys is that I fully understand the system and I understand how they make their money.'

Louis Dore
Sunday 14 June 2015 01:21 BST

US Senator Elizabeth Warren has hit back at a JP Morgan executive’s assessment that she doesn’t "fully understand the global banking system", which has been branded 'mansplaining'.

Ms Warren, senator for Massachussetts, retorted to the comments made by JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, who spokebefore an audience in Chicago and offered to meet with the Banking Committee member and financial reform advocate to discuss the matter.

She told the Huffington Post: "The problem is not that I don't understand the global banking system. The problem for these guys is that I fully understand the system and I understand how they make their money. And that's what they don't like about me."

When asked by the show’s presenter whether it was 'mansplaining' to say he thought Mr Dimon was mansplaining to her, Ms Warren replied "We’ll have to call in a mansplaining expert to figure that one out."

Ms Warren, a former Harvard Law professor, said in a speech in April: "The finance guys argue that if you’re never in the club, you can’t understand it, but I think they have it backward."

"Not being in the club means not drinking the Kool-Aid."

Ms Warren was backed by a group of progressive activists mounted a bid to draft her into the 2016 presidential race, but Ms Warren has repeatedly declined to enter the race.

The draft-Warren effort formally ended this week, however she has been touted for a top administration post in the case of a democratic victory in 2016.

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