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William Barr confirmation hearing - LIVE: Trump's attorney general nominee grilled by Senate over Mueller investigation

Mr Barr says he does not believe specal counsel Robert Mueller would be 'involved in a witch hunt'

Chris Riotta
New York
,Chris Stevenson
Tuesday 15 January 2019 16:29 GMT
President Donald Trump names William Barr as Attorney General nominee

Donald Trump‘s nominee to become attorney general has said that special counsel Robert Mueller will be allowed to complete his Russia probe as his confirmation hearing opened in Washington.

William Barr, who is facing questions from the Senate, has said he doees not believe Mr Mueller would be involved in a witch hunt and that his predecessor Jeff Sessions “did the right thing” in recusing himself from overseeing the investigation.

Mr Barr will have to navigate his confirmation hearing skillfully, emphasising his support for Mr Trump’s hardline immigration policies while assuring Democrats he will not respect mr Mueller’s independence.

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As senators continue to grill William Barr on his record, here's The Independent's profile on Donald Trump's pick to lead the Justice Department. 

Chris Riotta15 January 2019 15:45

William Barr has begun describing his relationship with Robert Mueller and his conversation with Donald Trump.

“He asked me a number of questions. I told him I didn't think I could take this on. I had a big corporate client that expected a lot of work of me," he said. "I said my wife and I were looking forward to a bit of rest. He asked if I would meet with the president and I said, 'Sure.' I went in and he was there, the ambassador was there. The meeting was brief where essentially the president wanted to know how well I knew Bob Mueller. I said I knew him well. He was interested in that and Mueller's integrity. I said Bob was a straight shooter. He said something to the effect of are you envisioning some role here and I said, 'Mr. President, I can't do it.' I gave him my phone number and never heard from him again. Well, I didn't hear from him later.”

Chris Riotta15 January 2019 15:49

Sen. Patrick Leahy has begun his questioning, asking if he will commit to “seeking and following the ethics and recuse yourself from the investigation?”

William Barr responded saying he would in fact seek that counsel but “at the end of the day, I will make the decision due to laws and facts.”

Chris Riotta15 January 2019 15:50

William Barr has said that Robert Mueller could only be terminated under a good cause. “It will take a lot more from me because the public interest if for him to continue his investigation.” 

He also said that he is unsure whether the president could claim executive privilege to avoid having the public view Mueller’s findings, saying “I don’t know what’s going to be in the report.” 

“Do you believe the president can lawfully issue a pardon in exchange with a deal?” Sen. Leahy asked. 

“No, that would be a crime,” Barr responded.

Chris Riotta15 January 2019 15:57

Senator John Cornyn has begun his line of questioning, saying “It says a lot about your character to go through this process and serve again.” 

William Barr responded by saying, “One of the reasons why I ultimately decided I would accept this position if offered because I'm in a position where I can be independent.”

Chris Riotta15 January 2019 16:01

William Barr has spoken about his views on former FBI Director James Comey, saying, “I've said Jim Comey is a distinguished who served the country in many roles. To the distinct when he announced the decision was very wrong.”

"Do you believe in public confidence in the FBI as an apolitcal law enforcement organization is important?" Senator Cornyn asked.

“It’s critical and that’s one of the reasons I’m sitting here,” Mr Barr responded. 

Chris Riotta15 January 2019 16:09

Senator Dick Durbin has begun his questioning, asking why he would want to become the next attorney general after the attacks Donald Trump placed on his former AG Jeff sessions. 

"When you consider the criticism he has leveled at the chief law enforcement agency, when you see the exit lanes glutted of people leaving the White House at every level, why do you want this job?" he asked. 

"Well, I love this department. I think the FBI is essential to ruling the law. It's the heartbeat of this country. I acted with independence, professionalism and integrity. I had strong and productive relationships across the aisle. I believe I'm at a point in my life where I can be independent," Mr Barr responded. 

Chris Riotta15 January 2019 16:14

William Barr has addressed Donald Trump’s zero tolerance policy along the US-Mexico border and his views on immigration, saying, “My understanding is the DHS makes the decision as to who they're going to apprehend and hold. That doesn't mean you can waltz into the country freely. DHS makes the decision who to hold and charge with the crime of illegal entry.”

Chris Riotta15 January 2019 16:16

Here's more from Sen. Leahy's questioning of William Barr, where the attorney general nominee suggests the president could allocate funds for his border wall without requesting permission from Congress: 

Chris Riotta15 January 2019 16:17

William Barr defended his political advocacy for a hard-line stance on immigration, saying “I was pursuing a strong immigration policy and in travelling around the country, visiting the border, I saw how important the issue was.” 

Chris Riotta15 January 2019 16:19

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