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Trump news: President demands personal apology after NYT publish 'antisemitic' cartoon as he attacks firefighters

Follow events from Washington - as they happened

Lily Puckett,Joe Sommerlad
Monday 29 April 2019 21:45 BST
Donald Trump could use executive privilege to stop former White House lawyer testifying to congress

Donald Trump has passed the 10,000 falsehoods mark since taking office, according to fact-checkers, his flights of rhetoric at recent rally appearances seeing him hit an astonishing average of 23 untruths per day.

The president complained to Fox News on Sunday the US-Mexico border is now “like Disneyland” since his administration stopped separating migrant families, a remark that followed another wild address to supporters in Green Bay, Wisconsin, on Saturday night, where he derided sanctuary cities, spread an extraordinary lie about abortion and imitated the accent of King Salman of Saudi Arabia.

The White House is meanwhile continuing to push back against congressional investigations into Mr Trump, with counsel Kellyanne Conway warning he could use his executive privilege to avoid co-operating with subpoenas and attorney-general William Barr threatening to back out of appearances before the House and Senate judiciary committees.

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Scott Peters, Democratic congressman for Poway, California, has a message for Donald Trump in the aftermath of the synagogue shooting.

Joe Sommerlad29 April 2019 14:05

Just three days after addressing the NRA, Trump is arguing the gun lobby "must get its act together quickly, stop the internal fighting, & get back to GREATNESS - FAST!"

At least I think he is. He could be talking about the state of New York, judging by the ambiguous phrasing of this tweet.

Assuming he is talking about the NRA, here's Adam Forrest on the departure of Oliver North as that organisation's president.

Joe Sommerlad29 April 2019 14:15

Here's the sequel.

People are fleeing New York, he says, and the NRA should join the exodus.

Joe Sommerlad29 April 2019 14:26

Two very different - and emblematic - responses to the California synagogue attack.

CNN says the "climate at the top" sets an undesirable tone...

...While Fox calls for "armed worshippers" to stand guard.

Joe Sommerlad29 April 2019 14:40

Beto O'Rourke has a $5 trillion (£3.8 trillion) plan to tackle climate change.

President Trump still thinks global warming is a hoax.

Joe Sommerlad29 April 2019 14:55

Here's Fox legal pundit Andrew Napolitano responding to Trump's attack on him over the weekend.

Joe Sommerlad29 April 2019 15:10

Trump appears to be responding to a newly-released poll showing that 55% of Americans aren't planning to vote for his re-election. 

Lucy Anna Gray29 April 2019 15:23

This is nice on Trump's education secretary Betsy DeVos, a long-running survivor thanks to the president's lack of interest in her subject. 

Joe Sommerlad29 April 2019 15:27

Democrats appear to be taking impeachment seriously as the president's lies hit the 10,000 benchmark.

After Democrats vowed to subpoena Attorney General William Barr if he's unwilling to voluntarily come forward to testify on the Mueller report, Rep. Ted Lieu joins a handful of prominent Democrats, beginning with Senator Elizabeth Warren, who see impeachment as a possibility.

Lucy Anna Gray29 April 2019 16:00

Joe Biden jumped into the 2020 race on Thursday and raised $6.3m from more than 96,000 contributors in his campaign's first 24 hours - which might explain Trump's attack on him this morning.

Trump has been claiming Pennsylvania's steel industry as a personal victory for some time now, but as with most of the president's claims, the truth a bit more complicated

Lucy Anna Gray29 April 2019 16:18

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