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Trump news: President calls defeat in census citizenship demand 'fake' as he is accused of 'hijacking July 4 parade to promote Trumpian cult'

Another day of chaos ahead of the patriotic holidays

Chris Riotta
New York
,Joe Sommerlad
Wednesday 03 July 2019 17:42 BST
Donald Trump promises tanks for Fourth of July parade

Donald Trump is facing renewed criticism over his “Salute to America” for the Fourth of July, accused of “hijacking the celebration and twisting it into a taxpayer-funded, partisan political rally that’s more about promoting a Trumpian cult of personality” by Democratic congresswoman Betty McCollum.

The president has meanwhile been busy promoting his fireworks suppliers from his official account in an apparent abuse of power as Abrams tanks were spotted arriving in Washington, DC.

He has also hit out at the US Supreme Court on Twitter over its decision to block a controversial citizenship question being added to the 2020 census, calling on his Commerce and Justice departments to do “whatever is necessary” to get the amendment passed, adding: “USA! USA! USA!”

Monday was the deadline to start printing the 600 million documents that will be mailed to 130 million households for next April’s census count.

For months, the Trump administration had argued that the courts needed to decide quickly whether the citizenship question could be added to the 2020 census because of the looming deadline.

“I think it’s very important to find out if somebody is a citizen as opposed to an illegal,” Mr Trump told reporters Monday.

“There’s a big difference to me between being a citizen of the United States and being an illegal," he added.

The US Supreme Court ruled last week that the question couldn’t be added for now.

Mr Trump tweeted that he had asked lawyers if the count can be delayed until the court can reevaluate the matter.

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Also on social media, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has entered a war of words with White House counsellor Kellyanne Conway after the latter accused her of lying about the condition of migrant detention centres in Texas.

Additional reporting by AP. Please allow a moment for our liveblog to load


A group of protestors have congregated in front of the White House -

Chris Riotta3 July 2019 17:43

A part-time professor at the University of California, Los Angeles has been found guilty in a smuggling scheme involving computer chips with radar and electronic warfare applications.

Yi-Chi Shih, a 64-year-old electrical engineer based in California, was found guilty of all 18 charges filed against him after the FBI arrested him in January 2018 for illegally sending the microchips to China. 

Federal prosecutors said he and his associate Kiet Ahn conspired to have a US company make special high-speed computer chips that were illegally exported to a Chinese company connected to Shih.

Story to come...

Chris Riotta3 July 2019 18:00

Here's more on the stock footage Donald Trump ads going around -

Chris Riotta3 July 2019 18:35

Top Democrats are now calling on major reforms at US Customs and Border Protection, demanding the ousting of Acting CBP Commissioner Morgan and others in order to "begin reining in toxic culture at border patrol agency" - 

Chris Riotta3 July 2019 19:00

The Trump family is celebrating the good news from the Stock Market ahead of the 4 July holiday - 

Chris Riotta3 July 2019 19:23

Nobody seems absolutely sure of what may come next after the president vowed to push forward with his Census citizenship demands, but it seems Republican leadership may have to make a collective decision sooner rather than later on the issue -

Chris Riotta3 July 2019 19:43

Looks like Baby Trump will be at the president's 4 July celebrations in Washington tomorrow:

Chris Riotta3 July 2019 20:03

Pete Buttigieg has just released a national service plan that flies in the face of Donald Trump's supposedly self-fulfilled agenda -

Chris Riotta3 July 2019 20:30

Donald Trump has lambasted Democrats in a series of tweets that sought to contradict statements released by a Congressional delegation that toured migrant detention centres earlier this week -

Chris Riotta3 July 2019 20:50

Kamala Harris has hit Donald Trump where it hurts during a campaign event in Iowa, calling the president a "predator" and saying she's "prepared to prosecute the case" against him -

Chris Riotta3 July 2019 21:10

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