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Trump news: President lashes out amid widespread ridicule over fake weather map, after repeating 'kill 10 million' Afghans remark

Chris Riotta
New York
,Joe Sommerlad
Thursday 05 September 2019 21:15 BST
Donald Trump shows off map purporting to support false claim that Hurricane Dorian was heading for Alabama

Donald Trump has lashed out after being roundly mocked once again for posing in the Oval Office with a map of Hurricane Dorian that had been altered to include Alabama in the storm’s path, therein backing up one of the president’s weekend tweets contested by government meteorologists.

Asked who had made the change – it being a federal offence to publicise misleading weather forecasts - Mr Trump told reporters: “I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know.” An incriminating black Sharpie pen had been spotted lying on his desk.

The president also suggested the government was powerless to stop mass shootings, mused on killing 10m Afghans and defended vice president Mike Pence staying at one of his own resorts in Ireland as the House Judiciary Committee subpoenaed the Department of Homeland Security over Mr Trump's alleged promise to pardon aides who broke the law in order to get his border wall built.

The committee issued the subpoenas Wednesday, having approved them in July.

House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold Nadler said the subpoenas are part of the panel's investigation into whether to pursue articles of impeachment against Mr Trump.

The questions focus on acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan.

Shortly after Mr McAleenan took over, Mr Trump told him he'd pardon him if he were to find himself in trouble for blocking people legally seeking asylum, according to people familiar with the conversation. The people spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss a private conversation.

Mr McAleenan has said he was not asked, directed or pressured to do anything illegal, but has also said his conversations with the president are privileged information.

The committee said the subpoena requires production of documents related to meetings in March and April between the president and Homeland Security officials in which pardons may have been discussed.

It also requires documents related to possible pardon offers related to the wall being constructed on the southern border.

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Nadler said the dangling of pardons "would constitute another reported example of the president's disregard for the rule of law."

Additional reporting by AP. Please allow a moment for our liveblog to load


With Jason Greenblatt's announcement, here's a look at all of the top departures from Donald Trump's administration, a historic and unprecedented overturning for any presidency: 

Chris Riotta5 September 2019 18:05

The Trump administration has finalised its rollback of an Obama-era rule that would have required light bulbs to be more energy efficient.

The move stalls a years-long bipartisan push by Congress and past administrations to transition the US to energy-saving LED bulbs and other lighting that uses less electricity.

Donald Trump told reporters on Wednesday that the Energy Departmentcancelled the rule because “what’s saved is not worth it.”

However, environmental groups have warned that the rollback is likely to have negative consequences.

Chris Riotta5 September 2019 18:30

We're beginning to learn more about Donald Trump's new Middle East coordinator, and it's exactly as you might expect - 

Chris Riotta5 September 2019 19:00

Democratic candidate Pete Buttigieg says he feels “sorry” for Donald Trump after the president presented the public with an altered official map of Hurricane Dorian’s forecast to seemingly back his unfounded claims Alabama was within the storm’s trajectory. 

The 2020 presidential hopeful slammed Mr Trump in an interview with CNN on Thursday morning, saying: “On one level it’s laughable, on another it’s exactly why we’ve got to do something.” 

Mr Buttigieg, the 37-year-old mayor of South Bend, Indiana, spoke the day after Mr Trump showed media the National Hurricane Centre’s forecast for the storm Dorian on a large map in the Oval Office, along with an addition. Alabama’s southern coastline had seemingly been circled in with a black marker. A black sharpie pen of the sort Mr Trump uses to sign bills was reportedly seen near the president’s Resolute Desk. 

Chris Riotta5 September 2019 19:30

New reports indicate the federal government will pull millions of dollars from national projects and social initiatives as part of an effort to fund Donald Trump's long-promised border wall, a move causing controversy online:

Chris Riotta5 September 2019 19:50

A new Mother Jones report suggests a massive loan Donald Trump has never managed to outright explain could be an example of tax fraud:

Chris Riotta5 September 2019 20:10

Donald Trump said that Chinese manufacturing would “crumble” if the country did not agree to the United States’ trade terms. 

His comments come as newly released data shows his trade war was washing back to American shores and hurting the factories that the president has aimed to protect.

Days after new tariffs went into effect on both sides of the Pacific, a closely watched index of American manufacturing activity fell to 49.1 from 51.2, signalling a contraction in US factory activity for the first time since 2016.

The companies responding to the Institute for Supply Management survey, which the index is based on, cited shrinking export orders as a result of the trade dispute, as well as the challenge of moving supply chains out of China to avoid the tariffs.

Chris Riotta5 September 2019 20:30

At least one tornado has swept through South Carolina as up to three million people were warned to evacuate from the possible path of a re-energised Hurricane Dorian as it pounded the US southeast coast.

Authorities warned of the potential for deadly floods, record rainfall and a path of destruction across multiple states.

The life-threatening storm, which has already killed at least 20 people in the Bahamas, knocked out power to more than 200,000 homes and businesses.

Although Dorian has decreased in intensity since its peak over the weekend and swept past Florida at a relatively safe distance, the storm still poses a serious threat to North Carolina’s Outer Banks islands. Dorian has been downgraded to a Category 2 hurricane, as tornadoes were spotted in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and another in Emerald Isle, North Carolina. The National Weather Service issued a total of 43 tornado warnings across both states, with the threat of tornadoes lasting into the night. 

Chris Riotta5 September 2019 20:58


Donald Trump‘s former press secretary has announced she will publish a memoir about her experiences in his administration.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders said the as yet untitled book, to be released in 2020, will tell of the ”challenges of being a working mum at the highest level of American politics”.

She said it would also deal with her role in “the historic fight raging between the Trump administration and its critics for the future of our country”.

“A trusted confidante of the president, Sarah advised him on everything from press and communications strategy to personnel and policy,” the book’s publisher, St Martin’s Press, said in a statement.

Chris Riotta5 September 2019 21:15

US representative Bill Flores has announced that he will not seek re-election, meaning he will be the fifth of Texas’s 23 Republican house representatives to retire under Donald Trump.

The Texas congressman shared the news in a series of tweets, writing: “After much prayer over the past few days and following conversations with my wife, Gina, during that time, I have decided that my current term will be my last.

“Serving my country as the Representative of the hardworking Texas families in the 17th Congressional District has been an honour and one of the greatest privileges of my life.”

Chris Riotta5 September 2019 21:30

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