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Trump news: President demands billions for border wall as Pelosi says he 'isn't worth' impeaching

Follow our live coverage from yet another dramatic day in Washington

Joe Sommerlad
New York
,Clark Mindock
Monday 11 March 2019 22:00 GMT
Trump calls Russia investigation a 'collusion witch hoax' outside White House

Donald Trump will reportedly ask Congress for $8.6bn (£6.6bn) to build his southern border wall on Monday under proposals for his 2020 fiscal budget, a $3bn (£2.3bn) increase on his last estimate for the job.

The White House is proposing $2.7trn (£2trn) in spending cuts for the year beginning 1 October, a reduction of 5 percent across all non-defence agencies while military funding is boosted to $750bn (£577bn).

Senior Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer were quick to shoot down the proposals, saying the president had “hurt millions of Americans and caused widespread chaos” with the recent 35-day government shutdown and warning: “Congress refused to fund his wall and he was forced to admit defeat and reopen the government. The same thing will repeat itself if he tries this again.”

As Washington reacted to the budget proposal, the country's capital prepared for the anticipated report from special counsel Robert Mueller's office, which has dived into potential coordination between the Trump campaign, the president, and Russian interests during the 2016 election.

It is not clear when that report will be released, but observers say that the investigation is likely imminent. The week ahead itself will contain several high level updates that could set the stage for how the report is received, and what happens afterward.

But, with no specific word on whether the special counsel report will include recommendations to indictments against the president, leading Democrats are holding back from support for impeachment.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, for instance, told The Washington Post on Wednesday that she is worried about the divisive impact that impeachment proceedings would have on the American public.

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"He's just not worth it," Ms Pelosi said of impeaching the president.

That said, it appears unlikely that Democrats in control of the House would not pursue impeachment if a damning Mueller report were delivered to them form the attorney general's office.

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There is plenty of news coming out of the South by Southwest festival in Austin.

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was among those who showed up, and had some strong words to illustrate her feelings toward capitalism.

Here's our report:

Clark Mindock11 March 2019 14:30

Donald Trump has been ridiculed for calling the CEO of Apple Tim Cook "Tim Apple" last week.

He was apparently not in on the joke:

Clark Mindock11 March 2019 14:34

Last week we in the New York office for The Independent wondered what would happen if Donald Trump lost his election in 2020, but refused to leave.

So, after consulting with some experts, here's what we came up with:

Clark Mindock11 March 2019 14:45

The new amount of money Donald Trump is asking for sets the stage for yet another fight between the White House and Congress.

He wants way more than he demanded earlier this year when he kept the government shut down in what became the longest funding lapse in modern American government.

Clark Mindock11 March 2019 15:00

The president's most recent budget proposal calls for over $8bn in wall funding — which is far more than Congress allocated this year, and even more than he would get through his current emergency declaration.

We spoke to some local law enforcement down in Texas to hear their thoughts on the border wall. Here is what they had to say:

Clark Mindock11 March 2019 15:15

Reparations for slavery has rarely received much mention on the national stage, but this year we are seeing much more chatter on the issue among Democrats.

One Democratic presidential candidate, Julian Castro, took a moment over the weekend to slam Bernie Sanders on the topic.

Clark Mindock11 March 2019 15:30

Here's the president weighing in on the upcoming vote considering whether to terminate his emergency declaration.

So far, it seems as though there are enough Republican senators to pass the measure, which will all but ensure Mr Trump will sign the first veto of his presidency.

Clark Mindock11 March 2019 15:45

The mayor of South Bend, Indiana, Pete Buttigieg made quite the splash over the weekend during a town hall hosted by CNN.

Mr Buttigieg, 37, is facing un uphill battle to even get into the top tier of candidates, but his comments at the town hall are certain to at least help with name recognition. He argues that he has more experience holding office than Donald Trump — so his age should not be fretted over — and that Vice President Mike Pence follows a different interpretation of scripture than him.

Clark Mindock11 March 2019 16:02

Here's the latest from AOC and her thoughts on capitalism:

Clark Mindock11 March 2019 16:27

Democrats have chosen Milwaukee as the site for their 2020 Democratic National Convention.

They held their 2016 convention in Philadelphia, and the move to Wisconsin is likely a play at the types of midwestern voters who helped Donald Trump surprise Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election.

Clark Mindock11 March 2019 16:37

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