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Trump news - LIVE: White House refuses to rule out Manafort pardon as Pelosi suggests impeachment 'too divisive'

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Joe Sommerlad,Sarah Harvard
Tuesday 12 March 2019 11:14 GMT
White House refuses to rule out Manafort pardon

The White House has refused to rule out Donald Trump issuing a presidential pardon to his ex-campaign manager Paul Manafort after the latter was sentenced last week to 47 months in prison for bank and tax fraud, crimes uncovered by FBI special counsel Robert Mueller during his Russia investigation.

With Manafort facing a further to 10 years behind bars when he is sentenced by a second court in Washington on Wednesday, press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders used her first briefing in six weeks to tell reporters: “The president has made his position on that clear – he’ll make a decision when he’s ready”.

Democratic House speaker Nancy Pelosi has meanwhile said she believes the impeachment process is too “divisive” and Mr Trump “just not worth it”, while veteran Vermont senator Bernie Sanders attacked the president’s new budget plan as “dead on arrival” and intended “for the military industrial complex, for corporate CEOs, for Wall Street and for the billionaire class”.

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Robert Mueller's Russia investigation is reportedly set to receive funding until the end of September, according to The Hill.

The special counsel is expected to deliver his report to the desk of attorney-general William Barr soon and it was not addressed in the president's new budget proposal. 

But the Treasury will continue to bankroll the investigation on behalf of the Justice Department until the autumn.

“The special counsel is funded by the Independent Counsel appropriation, a permanent indefinite appropriation established in the Department’s 1988 Appropriations Act,” a spokesman explained. 

Joe Sommerlad12 March 2019 13:15

Some qualification on the president's climate change tweet:

Joe Sommerlad12 March 2019 13:30

The Associated Press reported that President Trump's 2020 budget proposal will include $100M for Ivanka Trump, his daughter, to spearhead a global women's fund.

Sarah Harvard12 March 2019 13:45

Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib grilled the president on Twitter for failing on his promise to not cut Medicaid and Medicaire, and then awarding Lockheed Martin nearly $1bn for the Saudi missile system deal.

Sarah Harvard12 March 2019 14:00

2020 presidential candidate Bernie Sanders slammed the president's budget proposal for cutting millions from college affordability programs and the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program.

Sarah Harvard12 March 2019 14:10

President Donald Trump asked then-chief-of-staff John Kelly to remove his daughter, Ivanka Trump, and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, from the White House since he believed his children "didn't know how to play the game," according to revelations in a new book authored by journalist Vicky Ward.

The White House dismissed those claims.

Sarah Harvard12 March 2019 14:20

From the Independent

"Donald Trump has launched an extraordinary attack on planes that are "too complicated" to fly after a Boeing 737 crashed in Ethiopia on Sunday.

'Airplanes are becoming far too complex to fly. Pilots are no longer needed, but rather computer scientists from MIT,' Mr Trump tweeted. 'I see it all the time in many products. Always seeking to go one unnecessary step further, when often old and simpler is far better.'

'Split second decisions are needed, and the complexity creates danger. All of this for great cost yet very little gain. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want Albert Einstein to be my pilot. I want great flying professionals that are allowed to easily and quickly take control of a plane!'"

Sarah Harvard12 March 2019 14:21

The New York attorney general's office will be investigating Trump Organisation projects. The New York Times reported the office issued subpoenas to Deutsche Bank AG and Investors Bank for records relating to the financing of Trump Organization projects and an unsuccessful attempt to purchase the Buffalo Bills football team.

Sarah Harvard12 March 2019 14:30

Speaking with conservative site Breitbart, the president said his administration is very close to designating Mexican cartels as a terrorist organisation.

Sarah Harvard12 March 2019 14:40

HuffPost reported that the president has not come up with a list of construction projects for his border wall despite declaring an emergency order to build it over a month ago.

Sarah Harvard12 March 2019 14:50

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