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As it happenedended1589582632

Trump news: President claims 'Operation Warp Speed' will find coronavirus vaccine by end of year as Space Force makes White House debut

White House tells press to investigate 'Obamagate' claims as troll army 'Keyboard Warriors' get presidential approval

Trump said it's 'beautiful' to see 'nurses running into death just like soldiers running into bullets'

Donald Trump has claimed that his administration would take "warp speed" action to develop a coronavirus vaccine for Americans by end of the year — despite experts warning that his timeline would take a "miracle" — during remarks at the White House on Friday, as nearly every state begins to "reopen" amid the public health crisis that has led to the deaths of more than 85,000 people.

Mr Trump's optimism — propelled by a flag unveiling for his beloved Space Force and the creation of a "super duper missile" — had ramped up by Friday afternoon as he claimed that his administration was "looking at" making a virus vaccine free.

The president also claimed the US economy would be "amazing" by the fourth quarter moments after reports revealed that retail sales have plummeted 16 per cent, following business closures across the US in the wake of the pandemic.

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany meanwhile said that Barack Obama's administration left Mr Trump with a "thin packet" for a pandemic response when he left office more three years ago, though it was Mr Trump who dissolved the national security team responsible for responding to outbreaks.

She also called on the press to "investigate" the president's Obamagate conspiracy theory on Mr Trump's behalf after she was asked directly what crimes were committed by Mr Trump's predecessor.

When pressed, Ms McEnany mentioned one potential crime: The leaking of the identity of Michael Flynn, the president's former national security adviser, to reporters.

Mr Trump also applauded his “Keyboard Warriors” for promoting his conspiracy, to which Mr Obama himself responded (indirectly) with a one word tweet: “Vote”.

On Thursday, Mr Trump called on Senator Lindsay Graham to force the former president to testify at a Senate hearing, but the Republican senator denied his request, saying it would set a "bad precedent" and "open up a can of worms".

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Trump on Space Force: 'Space is going to be the future'

Inexplicably timed, Donald Trump today unveiled a Space Force flag for his sixth new branch of the US armed forces and declared that "space is going to be the future" for "defence and offence and so many other things."

"And already, from what I'm hearing and based on reports, we're now the leader in space," he said.

He also claimed that the Department of Defence is developing a "super duper missile" that he says is "17 times faster than what they have right now".

Alex Woodward15 May 2020 19:40

White House press secretary urges 'journalistic curiousity' to investigate president's Obamagate conspiracy

Asked directly what crimes were committed by the president's declaration of "Obamagate," press secretary Kayleigh McEnany didn't point to criminal acts but accused the Obama administration of "wrongdoing" and said there has not been enough "journalistic curiosity" to investigate the case on the Trump administration's behalf.

She accused Michael Flynn's name being revealed as a "criminal leak" to the press.

Asked whether the president is willing to declassify the transcript between the former national security adviser and Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak, documents that are central to Justice Department's push to drop the case against Mr Flynn and would ostensibly clear up allegations, Ms McEnany said she doesn't know.

Alex Woodward15 May 2020 20:13

White House press secretary falsely accuses Obama administration of leaving 'thin packet' for pandemic response

Days after declaring she wouldn't lie from the lectern inside the White House, Kayleigh McEnany echoed Donald Trump's criticisms of his predecessor's administration, falsely claiming that Barack Obama left behind only a "thin packet" for a pandemic response when he left the White House more than three years ago.

Since then, Trump has dissolved his Global Health Security Unit at the National Security Council.

The "thin packet" was a 69-page report that did not suggest doing that.

Ms McEnenany said it was an "erroneous" suggestion that Trump had thrown out the plan; she then produced "two robust" reports in binders that she says were commissioned by the president.

Alex Woodward15 May 2020 20:20

Programming note: Dr Fauci makes first appearance with Trump since testimony

On Friday, Dr Anthony Fauci stood behind Donald Trump for the first time since his Senate testimony, in which he debunked and contradicted several claims made by the president.

Mr Trump later criticised his top health official leading the coronavirus response for testifying, particuarly over his assessment that schools shouldn't open as uncertainty looms during the pandemic.

“I was surprised by his answer,” Mr Trump told reporters earlier this week. “To me it’s not an acceptable answer, especially when it comes to schools.”

In a striking display of contrasts, he also wore a mask in the Rose Garden next to a never-masked president.

Alex Woodward15 May 2020 20:45

Nearly a quarter of likely Republican voters think party should nominate someone other than Trump

A new poll has revealed that nearly a quarter of Republicans think that the party should nominate someone other than president Donald Trump as their 2020 presidential nominee.

The poll, by Ramussen Reports, found that 23 per cent of likely Republican voters want the GOP to deny the president the chance of running for a second term, by nominating a different candidate.

James Crump reports: 

Alex Woodward15 May 2020 21:00

Trump to address 'hard work, heroism, and hope that Americans from all walks of life have exemplified' during pandemic

Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump's guests for this afternoon's ceremony: a member of the NYPD, a nurse, a mask maker, three Girl Scouts, and a landlord.

In a statement, the White House said: "The President is honored to recognize a handful of individuals who have gone above and beyond to assist their fellow Americans during this challenging time and who represent the American spirit of generosity and grace."

Alex Woodward15 May 2020 21:15

Trump praises truckers who he says are supporting him. They're asking for help

Donald Trump said the din of truckers honking horns outside the White House is a "sign of love" for him.

It's not.

For two weeks, truckers have protested low freight weights and poor pay during the pandemic and are asking the White House to act.

Alex Woodward15 May 2020 21:33

Trump's spokeswoman focuses on 'wrongdoing' rather than crimes when pressed on 'Obamagate' charges

 Asked to define what crimes Donald Trump is alleging Barack Obama and other former members of his administration committed under his "Obamagate" conspiracy theory, the president's top spokeswoman instead focused on alleged "wrongdoing."

When pressed, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany only mentioned one potential crime: The leaking of the identity of Michael Flynn, Mr Trump's first national security adviser to reporters that showed up in articles indicating the retired Army three-star general was the subject of a federal probe.

Instead, Ms McEnany pointed to the highly disputed "dossier" of negative information compiled by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele, which has been disputed by Mr Trump and his team.

John T Bennett on the administration's latest attempt to say what, exactly, Obamagate is, as Kayleigh McEnany presses journalists to investigate on behalf of a president who doesn't have an answer:

Alex Woodward15 May 2020 21:51

Breaking: Donald Trump says 'we're looking at' making a coronavirus vaccine free

Alex Woodward15 May 2020 22:25

Trump claims truck horns outside White House were a 'sign of love' for him, but it was a shipping rates protest

Donald Trump said truckers outside the White House were "protesting in favour of president Trump."

“Those are truckers that are with us all the way,” Mr Trump added, making similar comments later in the day as he honoured “heroes” of the Covid-19 outbreak.

(How does one protest in favour of something?)

In any case, that's not what they were doing. John T Bennett has more:

Alex Woodward15 May 2020 23:07

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