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Trump news: Rape accuser asks for president's DNA, as impeachment judge foils attempt to reveal whistleblower on Senate floor

Senators wrap question-and-answer session before potential final vote to close proceedings

Chris Riotta,Joe Sommerlad,Alex Woodward
Thursday 30 January 2020 23:34 GMT
Trump attorney Alan Dershowitz uses Middle East Peace Plan to explain quid pro quos during impeachment hearing

Donald Trump has lashed out at lead impeachment manager Adam Schiff, again calling him “mentally deranged”, as Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell claims to have seen off the threatened Republican rebellion on subpoenaing new witnesses and hopes to press ahead with the president’s acquittal on Friday after a final question-and-answer session in the upper chamber today.

Mr Schiff ripped into the president's defence team after the president's lawyer Alan Dershowitz argued that his client couldn't be impeached for an action he thought might get him re-elected.

"It's astonishing on the floor of this body someone would make that argument", Mr Schiff said. "It didn't begin that way in the beginning of the president's defence. What we have seen over the last couple of days is a descent into constitutional madness because that way madness lies."

Mr Schiff also was furious with Senate Republican efforts to attack and name the whistle-blower whose report of Mr Trump's 25 July phone call is at the heart of the impeachment charges. Chief Justice John Roberts, who presides over the trial, refused to ask a question submitted by Senator Rand Paul that the chief justice believed would out the whistle-blower and other national security staffers.

The Senate could vote to acquit the president on Friday, despite Democrat attempts to inject a witness deposition process, while House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Mr Trump can't be acquitted "if you don't have a trial."

E Jean Carroll, who accused Mr Trump of raping her in the 1990s, is requesting a DNA sample from the president to determine whether it matches genetic material she wore. Lawyers for the columnist — who filed a defamation suit against Mr Trump last year after he said she was lying about the allegation — sent a notice to the president's attorneys demanding a sample be returned by 2 March.

Meanwhile, US commerce secretary Wilbur Ross is in hot water after saying during an interview with Fox Business, with a staggering absence of basic compassion, that China being struck by the coronavirus “will help to accelerate the return of jobs to North America”.

The president said all "only five" people have contracted the virus in the US and are "all in good recovery", though a sixth case was confirmed in Chicago on Thursday. He spent his afternoon in Michigan at a White House event celebrating passage of the USMCA trade deal before a campaign rally in Iowa.

In a further embarrassing development for the president, a section of his US-Mexico border wall – which he once promised would be “impenetrable” – has been blown over in El Centro, California, after being hit by strong desert winds.

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Justice Roberts — who earlier had denied a question from Rand Paul that would've apparently outed the whistle-blower — asked senators not to direct their questions to specific people. Senator Kennedy addressed his question to Nadler and Philbin directly.

Alex Woodward30 January 2020 21:27

There have been a couple of bipartisan questions that could possibly redraw the party line.

Senators Collins, Manchin, Murkowski and Sinema ask Trump's legal counsel whether Trump will assure that private citizens will not directed foreign policy unless formally designated by the president.

Pat Philbin on Team Trump responded, saying that Rudy Giuliani was not conducting foreign policy but was a source for Trump.

Adam Schiff said that's a "remarkable admission" that confirms Fiona Hill's testimony about Giuliani running a "domestic political errand" on behalf of Trump and did not serve the national interest.

Alex Woodward30 January 2020 21:37

It's a pretty common rally move: hold hand to eyes, tell people to look at the cameras, get people to boo.

Alex Woodward30 January 2020 21:42

Meanwhile, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will head to Ukraine tomorrow, the same day that the Senate could acquit the president in his impeachment trial.

From the Secretary of State's office: "Secretary Pompeo will travel to Kyiv on January 31, where he will meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko, and Defense Minister Andriy Zahorodnyuk to underscore the United States' strong support for Ukraine and the country's Euro-Atlantic integration."

Pompeo will also meet with Metropolitan Epiphaniy of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine and "civil society and business leaders." He'll participate in a wreath-laying ceremony to "honor those who have fallen in the Donbas conflict while defending their homeland from Russian aggression."

Alex Woodward30 January 2020 22:02

Hakeem Jeffries coined a new one: he called the president's alleged lack of constitutionality the "5th Avenue standard."

Meanwhile, the president is leaving Michigan following a White House event celebrating USMCA that was more of a greatest hits speech from his New Jersey rally on Tuesday night.

He's heading to Iowa, where, ironically, he'll be rallying supporters while several Democratic presidential candidates will likely still be in the Senate for his impeachment trial.

Alex Woodward30 January 2020 22:09

Back at the trial, Senate Democrats Manchin, Gillibrand and Schatz just asked the attorneys from both parties whether they've ever been involved with a trial that didn't involve witnesses.

Val Demmings from the House: "Witness testimony and evidence, or documentation, in a case is everything. It is the life and breath of every case."

Pat Cipollone from Trump: "I don't think anyone really believes that the Trump administration hasn't cooperated." (He didn't answer the question.)

Meanwhile, at the White House, Kellyanne Conway was asked whether she agrees with Trump's attorney Alan Dershowitz, who argued that that a president can weave their private interests into the public interest.

She said "I'm not going to discuss politics from the podium" but adds that she was "struck by his comments that no one is above the law including the Congress."

Alex Woodward30 January 2020 22:18

Senator Mike Lee asks whether Obama would've been impeached for DACA and Bush impeached for waterboarding and NSA wiretaps.

Cipollone says they would, under the standards set by Congressional Democrats. "Put a lock on the door," he says, because impeachments will continue.

Alex Woodward30 January 2020 22:22

The president is really laying into the retweet button after his Michigan pep rally.

He retweeted six posts (and counting?) attacking impeachment manager Adam Schiff, including a post from one account calling him a "congenital liar that has done nothing positive for the American people."

Alex Woodward30 January 2020 22:24

Health officials announced a sixth case earlier today. It was the first person-to-person transmission of the virus in the US.

Alex Woodward30 January 2020 22:39

Big question from Elizabeth Warren, in which she appears to make Chief Justice John Roberts tell on himself by making him read aloud:

Does the fact that the chief justice is presiding over an impeachment trial in which Republicans have prevented witnesses "contribute to the loss of the legitimacy of the Chief Justice, the Supreme Court and the Constitution?"

Alex Woodward30 January 2020 22:46

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