Trump wishes Biden speedy recovery for ankle fracture while continuing to promote false voter fraud claims

President interrupts his allegations of a ‘rigged election’ to offer a message of support for Joe Biden

Chris Riotta
New York
Monday 30 November 2020 16:26 GMT
Biden fractures foot while playing with dog
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In between posting false claims of mass voter fraud and promoting conspiracy theories surrounding his defeat in the 2020 elections, President Donald Trump appeared to wish President-elect Joe Biden a speedy recovery for an injury he sustained on Thanksgiving weekend.

The president’s harsh words on Twitter over the outcome of the recent election were seemingly interrupted on Sunday night by his offer of well wishes for Mr Biden, who fractured his foot while playing with his dog, Major, according to the president-elect’s doctor.

Sharing an NBC News video that captured Mr Biden leaving the office of his orthopedic doctor in Delaware, Mr Trump wrote: “Get well soon!”

The video showed Mr Biden wearing a jacket and face mask as he walked out of the doctor’s office with a slight limp, making his way down a couple steps before getting into an SUV.

Mr Biden suffered small fractures in his mid-foot after he slipped while playing with his dog, his doctor said in a statement. The fractures were not initially seen in the first x-rays taken of the president-elect, leading some reports to say he had sprained his ankle rather than having endured hairline fractures.

“Initial x-rays did not show any obvious fracture, but his clinical exam warranted more detailed imaging," Dr Kevin O'Connor said in a statement on Sunday. "Follow-up CT scan confirmed hairline (small) fractures of President-elect Biden's lateral and intermediate cuneiform bones, which are in the mid-foot.”

Mr Biden’s doctor said he will “likely” require a walking boot for “several weeks” as the fractures heel.

At 78-years-old, Mr Biden will be the oldest president inaugurated in history, a fact he addressed throughout the campaign.

He released detailed statements about his medical history last year and his doctor conducted a physical assessment that concluded he was “a healthy, vigorous, 77-year-old male, who is fit to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency.”

Mr Trump’s well wishes to the incoming president-elect sounded like a far cry from the usual posts the president has been promoting on his Twitter account, spreading conspiracy theories and outright falsities about the vote count to his nearly 89 million followers in the days since the election.

Just before he wrote the message to Mr Biden, the president claimed the 2020 election “was probably our least secure EVER” in a tweet — a direct contradiction from statements made by his own Department of Homeland Security, which described the election as the “most secure” in American history.

Shortly after, he claimed his loss against the president-elect was the result of a “RIGGED ELECTION” in all-caps while alleging “massive fraud” — something his re-election campaign lawyers like former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani have consistently failed to provide to the American public. 

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