Ted Cruz busted for falling asleep during Biden’s joint address

Donald Trump and GOP unsuccessfully nicknamed the president ‘Sleepy Joe’ during election

Graeme Massie
Los Angeles
Thursday 29 April 2021 04:53 BST
Ted Cruz caught falling asleep during Biden joint session address

Ted Cruz was caught on camera falling asleep during Joe Biden’s speech to the joint session of Congress.

The Senator from Texas struggled to keep his eyes open as the president touted the achievements of his administration’s first 100 days on Wednesday.

Mr Biden, whom one-term president Donald Trump and Republicans unsuccessfully nicknamed “Sleepy Joe” during the 2020 presidential election, received a string of standing ovations.

But that was not enough to keep Mr Cruz awake, and even his fellow politicians noticed.

“Ted Cruz is taking a siesta at tonight’s Biden speech, asleep on the job as usual,” tweeted Democratic politician Julian Castro, who is also from Texas.

After the speech, which was one hour and five minutes, Mr Cruz took to Twitter to poke fun at himself and brand the event “#BoringButRadical.”

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