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State of the Union 2022 - Boebert doubles down on heckle as veteran’s widow calls for her removal

As it happened: Joe Biden delivers his first State of the Union address to Congress

Oliver O'Connell
Wednesday 02 March 2022 22:29 GMT
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Joe Biden has woken up an encouraging reception for his first State of the Union address, which snap polling says met with the approval of more than two-thirds of Americans – a rare bit of good news for a president whose ratings remain underwater.

Mr Biden at times received bipartisan standing applause in the House chamber last night, especially during his remarks on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. “Putin’s war was premeditated and unprovoked,” the president said. “He rejected efforts at diplomacy. He thought the West and Nato wouldn’t respond. And, he thought he could divide us here at home. Putin was wrong. We were ready.”

However, progressives have given a lukewarm reception to the domestic elements of Mr Biden’s speech, in which he promised to “fund the police” while declining to go as far as some wanted on key issues like immigration.

Speaking on MSNBC, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said that “there’s some themes that are left a little bit to be desired for key constituencies in the Democratic base, but the president’s goal was very clear on really projecting a theme of unity and I think he’s still stuck to that.”

Meanwhile, the White House has hit back at heckling from far-right Congresswomen Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert, with Press Secretary Jen Psaki remarking that their shouting at the president “says a lot more about them” than it does about the substance of his speech.


Hillary Clinton “grateful” for Biden

Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton tweeted: “I am very, very grateful Joe Biden is our president in these challenging times.”

Oliver O'Connell2 March 2022 03:23

Rep Spanberger lauds her state’s newest star

Oliver O'Connell2 March 2022 03:24

New approach to Covid: Test to treat

Oliver O'Connell2 March 2022 03:27

Ukraine ambassador receives standing ovation

Ukraine’s ambassador to the United States received a standing ovation at Joe Biden’s State of the Union as he pledged America’s support for the embattled nation.

Oksana Markarova received a warm hug from first lady Jill Biden, of whom she was a guest, and placed her hand on her heart as the president led applause for the diplomat.

Graeme Massie reports.

Ukraine ambassador receives standing ovation at State of Union

Oksana Markarova received a warm hug from first lady Jill Biden as president offered support

Oliver O'Connell2 March 2022 03:30

GOP response: No strength abroad if weak at home

“We can’t project strength abroad if we’re weak at home,” says Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds in the GOP response to the State of the Union.

Oliver O'Connell2 March 2022 03:39

First lady praised for blue dress with sunflower in support of Ukraine

First Lady Jill Biden has made a statement in support of Ukraine while attending her husband Joe Biden’s first State of the Union address.

On Tuesday, the first lady arrived at the US Capitol in a blue long-sleeve dress with cut-out detailing on the sleeves.

In addition to supporting the nation, which is currently being attacked by Russia, through the colour of her outfit, the first lady’s dress also included a more subtle detail on its sleeve, where a sunflower, Ukraine’s national flower, was embroidered.

Chelsea Ritschel reports.

Jill Biden wears blue dress emblazoned with sunflower in support of Ukraine at SOTU

First lady wore a dress emblazoned with a small sunflower, the national flower of Ukraine

Oliver O'Connell2 March 2022 03:40

McConnell not such a fan of the speech

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell does not appear to be impressed by the contents of tonight’s speech: “President Biden ignored that his agenda has completely flopped for American families: Raging inflation, open borders, crime. The President did his best to try to pick himself up and provide some level of optimism but that’s not what the American people are feeling right now.”

Oliver O'Connell2 March 2022 03:43

Quite a birthday for Joshua Davis

A cupcake at the White House and the best seat in the house for the State of the Union.

Oliver O'Connell2 March 2022 03:45

Anger as Lauren Boebert heckles Joe Biden while talking about death of son Beau

Lauren Boebert provoked anger as she heckled Joe Biden as he talked about the death of his son Beau during his State of the Union address.

The Colorado congresswoman was booed as she interrupted the president as he talked about the flag-draped coffins of fallen service members, to blame him for the deaths of 13 troops in Afghanistan.

Her heckling came as Mr Biden had emotionally recalled how his eldest son had died from cancer, which could have been caused by burn pits in Iraq.

Graeme Massie reports.

Anger as Boebert heckles Biden as he talks about death of son at State of the Union

Congresswoman shouted that president was responsible for Kabul airport terror attack

Oliver O'Connell2 March 2022 03:48

Biden booed by Republicans for criticising tax breaks of ‘last administration’

Congressional Republicans booed President Joe Biden during his State of the Union address after he criticised the Trump administration providing tax breaks for the wealthy.

Mr Biden was speaking about his Covid-19 relief package known as the American Rescue Plan while criticising the tax cut that Republican majorities in Congress and President Donald Trump passed in 2017.

“And unlike the $2 Trillion tax cut passed in the previous administration that benefitted the top one per cent of Americans, the American Rescue Plan” he said before being cut off but continued.

Biden booed by Republicans after criticising tax breaks of ‘last administration’

Came as he criticised tax cuts that Trump and Republicans passed in 2017.

Oliver O'Connell2 March 2022 03:53

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