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Ohio special election - AS IT HAPPENED: Donald Trump claims victory in Ohio as Republican Troy Balderson leads Democrat Danny O'Connor

Voters in Ohio's 12th District choose replacement for Representative Pat Tiberi

Andrew Buncombe
New York
Tuesday 07 August 2018 11:00 BST
Donald Trump gets Ohio victory figure wrong, and talks about 'space force'

Ohio's 12th district is the scene for the last high stakes special election of the season. The race is a key test for President Donald Trump, who will be a key part of the Republican playbook in the 2018 midterms.

Republicans are scrambling to avoid an embarrassing defeat in a seat that the party has held for decades. Mr Trump has backed Republican Troy Balderson, who is facing Democrat Danny O'Connor. A win for Democrats would signal further danger for Republicans in November.

President Trump has also tweeted his support for Tony Balderson and also held a rally for him late last week.

The day's races, like dozens before them, pitted the strength of Trump's fiery supporters against the Democratic Party's anti-Trump resistance. The results will help determine the political landscape — and Trump's standing within his own party — just three months before the GOP defends its House and Senate majorities across the nation.

As well as voters in Ohio, who will send someone to Congress immediately, today also sees primary races in Kansas, Missouri, Michigan and Washington state.

As we wait for the results to come in, follow all the latest updates with our liveblog below.

Please allow a moment for the liveblog to load.

Additional reporting by AP and Reuters.


A more detailed look at when polls close in each state tonight:

Kansas – 7pm CT

Michigan – 8pm ET

Missouri – 7pm - CT

Ohio –7:30pm  ET

Washington is vote by mail, so voters must have their ballots postmarked by 8pm PT.

Kristin Hugo7 August 2018 22:22

Donald Trump Jr has tweeted his support for Troy Balderson, the Republican in Ohio's special election. He's the last of the Trump men to get onboard, with his father and brother tweeting their support earlier today.

Kristin Hugo7 August 2018 22:36

Republicans have been hoping for Democratic discord in Kansas' 3rd Congressional District, a suburban Kansas City district where several candidates were fighting for the chance to take on Republican Rep. Kevin Yoder in November.  

The five-way Democratic primary featured labor lawyer Brent Welder, who campaigned recently with self-described democratic socialists Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and ascending political star, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a New York congressional candidate.  

Also in the race: Native American attorney Sharice Davids and former school teacher Tom Niermann. 

Steve Anderson7 August 2018 23:00

The most watched race tonight is the special congressional election in Ohio. Republican Troy Balderson is fighting to defeat Democrat Danny O'Connor. Republicans have held the seat for three decades. If Democrats win tonight in the state's 12th congressional district, many will believe it could signal a so-called 'blue wave' in November.

Andrew Buncombe7 August 2018 23:08

While Mr Balderson has received the backing of Donald Trump, Mr O'Connor benefited from 'robo-calls' from former VP Joe Biden.

Andrew Buncombe7 August 2018 23:10

And of course, Tuesday marks the final special election before November's midterms

Andrew Buncombe7 August 2018 23:21

In addition to the power of Mr Trump's endorsement, pundits will be watching to try and determine whether Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - the Democrats latest star after she won the primary New York's 14th congressional district - also has it. She has been campaigning for progressives across the country. She's campaigned for James Thompson in Kansas and Abdul El-Sayed in Michigan. Everyone will want to see if she has the power help outsider candidates in areas outside of New York

Andrew Buncombe7 August 2018 23:27

Will be interesting to see turnout tonight. Special elections and primaries often see a pretty low number of voters, but there's evidence some people feel fired up

Andrew Buncombe7 August 2018 23:34

Polls in Ohio are due to close in less than an hour

Andrew Buncombe7 August 2018 23:39

In Ohio, the winner will fill the seat previously held by Pat Tiberi, a nine-term incumbent who resigned to take a job with an Ohio business group.

Andrew Buncombe7 August 2018 23:41

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