Herschel Walker won overwhelming share of white votes – the only group that supported him

Black and Hispanic voters picked Senator Raphael Warnock

Eric Garcia
Wednesday 09 November 2022 21:00 GMT
Herschel Walker claims he'll protect 'Martians' because they 'belong' to his family

Every racial demographic except for white people and men voted overwhelmingly for Democratic Senator Raphael Warnock in Georgia’s Senate race, according to exit polls.

Exit polls showed that only white voters picked former University of Georgia running back and Heisman Trophy winner Herschel Walker in the race for a full six-year term, with roughly 99 per cent of precincts reporting votes.

Roughly 54 per cent of men, who made up 47 per cent of the vote, voted for Mr Walker; but 45 per cent of women, who made up 53 per cent of the electorate, supported Mr Warnock.

White people made up about 62 per cent of the vote, 70 per cent of whom voted for Mr Walker. Broken down by gender, 71 per cent of white men and 30 per cent of white women voted for Mr Warnock.

By contrast, 85 per cent of Black men supported Mr Warnock and 93 per cent of Black women voted for Mr Warnock, who along with being the junior senator from Georgia, serves as the senior pastor at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta.

Author and former Clinton administration aide Keith Boykin flagged the demographic makeup on Twitter.

In addition, 61 per cent of Latinos voted for Mr Warnock but 55 per cent of Latinas supported him.

As of Wednesday afternoon, Mr Warnock had 49.2 per cent of the vote and Mr Walker had 48.7 per cent. Libertarian candidate Chase Oliver garnered 2.1 per cent of the vote.

Under Georgia law, if neither candidate captures a majority of the vote, the race will go into a runoff on 6 December. Mr Warnock won a special election to finish the term of Senator Johnny Isakson on 5 January 2021, along with Senator Jon Ossoff, who beat Senator David Perdue to win a full term.

Mr Walker was besieged by multiple stories from The Daily Beast about paying an ex-girlfriend to have an abortion despite the fact he said he opposed abortion without exceptions. Another ex-girlfriend who alleged she had a years-long affair with her also said he drove her to an abortion clinic when she became pregnant.

This article was amended on November 10 2022. It previously stated that 30 per cent of white women voted for Herschel Walker, but that was inaccurate – 30 per cent of white women voted for Raphael Warnock.

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