Donald Trump complains protesters saying 'resist' are slowing down his presidential agenda

Republican moans that several cabinet nominees still have not been confirmed by Congress

Benjamin Kentish
Tuesday 28 February 2017 13:24 GMT
Trump doesn't like the Democrat slogan 'Resist'

Donald Trump has attacked people trying to “resist” his presidency, claiming they are preventing him from finalising his cabinet team.

Calls for “resistance” to the Republican’s policy agenda have grown louder in the weeks since he took office, with Democrat politicians and a number of celebrities backing demands for Americans to act to stop Mr Trump.

A number of the President’s cabinet nominees having been blocked by Democrats in Congress.

Mr Trump lashed out at his opponents during a roundtable meeting with insurance industry executives.

“I hope that Democrats will stop the obstruction and resistance – in fact that’s what they have, they have a sign ‘resist, resist’ - they want to resist everything, including cabinet members”, he said.

“I have many cabinet members that haven’t been approved yet – people who are extraordinary, all of whom are going to be approved, but they just take forever."

Initially referring to the "resist" movement by the wrong name, he continued, “It’s called ‘obstruct and resist’… I hope I didn’t give them a new phrase because their real phrase is ‘resist’. I think I just gave it another word. I shouldn’t have done that, I’m good at branding.

“You’re going to see them now come out [saying] ’obstruct and resist’. All right, well at least I can take credit for it."

A number of Mr Trump’s policies have been met with large-scale protests, including his attempts to ban immigration to the US from seven mainly-Muslim countries.

‘Resist’ protests have also taken place around the globe as people voice opposition to the Republican’s right-wing agenda.

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