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Brett Kavanaugh confirmation – LIVE: Mitch McConnell hits out at Democrats saying they are ‘untrustworthy’ and wanted ‘media circus’ around Christine Ford

Follow the latest updates on the FBI investigation into claims of sexual assault against the Supreme Court nominee and the political back and forth in Washington 

Mythili Sampathkumar
Monday 01 October 2018 22:17 BST
Senate Judiciary Committee votes 11-10 to progress Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination

Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court has been delayed as the FBI carry out a "limited" additional background check after Republicans were blind-sided by one of their senators who said his vote for the nominee was dependent on such a probe.

Donald Trump later said it "wouldn't bother me at all" if the scope of the investigation was 'expanded' to include interviews of all three of his nominee's accusers and Mr Kavanaugh himself.

Last week's explosive testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee of Dr Christine Blasey Ford, who alleges a drunken Mr Kavanaugh sexually abused her at a college party in 1982, was hotly contested by Mr Kavanaugh in his counter-testimony.

He appeared angry and had several tense exchanges with committee Democrats, accusing them of doing this as a matter of "revenge" and simply to smear his name.

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In the latest twist in the story, Chad Ludington, a former Yale classmate of Mr Kavanaugh, has accused him of seriously misrepresenting his drinking as a student, calling him a “belligerent and aggressive” drunk.

The FBI's investigation is to last no longer than a week from the day from when the original vote on the nominee was supposed to take place, meaning it will conclude at the end of this week.

It is unclear if the investigation could be expanded should more accusers come forward.

Democrats and Dr Ford are particularly keen on Mark Judge to be interviewed, the man she claimed was present in the room during the alleged assault. Two other women have also accused Mr Kavanaugh - Julie Swetnick and Deborah Ramirez.


"Courageous, polite, detailed" is how Mr Schumer described Dr Ford's testimony. 

He called Mr Kavanaugh's testimony a "partisan screed". 

Mythili Sampathkumar1 October 2018 20:31

He "impugned the motives of sitting Senators," Mr Schumer said. 

He said he had never seen any other witnesses' behaviour like that tolerated, adding he felt Mr Kavanaugh has "deep, deep partisan" bias. 

He also brought up how Mr Kavanaugh had retorted and interrupted Senator Amy Klobuchar when she had asked the if the nominee had ever "blacked out" from drinking with a question: "Have you?" 

Mythili Sampathkumar1 October 2018 20:33

Mr Schumer said he noticed the partisan animus from Mr Kavanaugh back "in 2004 and 2006" when the judge had appeared in front of the Senate.

Mythili Sampathkumar1 October 2018 20:33

Mr Kavanaugh has a "difficult relationship with the truth," Mr Schumer said.

Mythili Sampathkumar1 October 2018 20:34

"The $64,000 is this...will Judge Kavanaugh say anything, lie about anything, mislead about anything?" to get the lifetime appointment, Mr Schumer asked on the Senate floor.

Mythili Sampathkumar1 October 2018 20:35

In Mr Schumer's estimation, he said the nominee would "prevaricate about everything from the momentous to the mundane" in order to get on "the most important court in the land".

Mythili Sampathkumar1 October 2018 20:36

Mitch McConnell, the Senate Majority Leader, has said the confirmation of "one of the most impressive" nominees "is moving forward".

Mythili Sampathkumar1 October 2018 20:37

Mr McConnell is reading out what he felt are inappropriate and unfair comments made by Democrats about Mr Kavanaugh ahead of his hearing to demonstrate that the FBI investigation and delayed vote are just partisan tactics.

Mythili Sampathkumar1 October 2018 20:39

He hits out at Senator Dianne Feinstein, as has every Republican the past few days, for withholding information on Dr Ford's allegation until right before the vote and then outing Dr Ford, who had originally wanted to stay confidential.

Mythili Sampathkumar1 October 2018 20:40

"Somehow..somehow, [Dr Ford's letter] ended up in the press," Mr McConnell said, accusing Ms Feinstein of leaking it. 

Mythili Sampathkumar1 October 2018 20:42

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