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Jen Psaki responds to resignation rumours

President Joe Biden delivered remarks this morning hailing another successful jobs reports that sees employment return to pre-pandemic levels and unemployment to drop to a level not seen since 1969.

While inflation remains a huge concern to Americans, Mr Biden has also ordered the release of up 1 million barrels of oil per day from the strategic petroleum reserve for the next six months in a bid to control prices that have spiked since the US and its allies imposed strict sanctions on Russia after it began its war on Ukraine.

Answering questions from reporters on Thursday, Mr Biden said Russian president Vladimir Putin “seems to be self-isolated and there’s some indication that he has fired or put under house arrest some of his advisers”.

Meanwhile, new reports say that White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki will leave her post this spring to take up a job at MSNBC. It had long been speculated that Ms Psaki would be leaving the administration soon after more than a year in the role.

At Friday’s press briefing Ms Psaki refused to comment on her plans, other than to say she that if she left she would spend time with her children and would sleep.

Pressed on if she could do be an effective briefer with plans to join a media outlet Ms Psaki said she is abiding by all ethics rules and legal requirements.


Oliver O'Connell31 March 2022 20:45

Kate Bedingfield begins the press briefing by noting that the White House is celebrating Trans Day of Visibility, noting that transgender Americans, particularly children, continue to face unacceptably high levels of bullying and discrimination.

Oliver O'Connell31 March 2022 20:56

On Russia’s war in Ukraine, Ms Bedingfield says: “Today we announced additional sanctions on Russian technology companies that enabled Putin’s war of choice.”

She later adds: “We have seen incontrovertible evidence that this has been a strategic disaster for Russia.”

And further: “Putin himself has said these sanctions have imposed unprecedented costs on the Russian economy, And our role is to continue to strengthen Ukraine on the battlefield” [and] “to strengthen their hand at the negotiating table.”

Oliver O'Connell31 March 2022 20:59

‘A small bandage on a gaping wound’

President Joe Biden’s plan to release one million barrels of oil each day from US strategic petroleum reserves over the next six months have been described as a “small bandage on a gaping wound” by climate groups, who condemned oil companies’ greed for amassing vast profits while consumers are subjected to soaring gas prices.

Louise Boyle, senior climate correspondent for The Independent, reports.

Climate activists condemn oil firms’ greed after Biden releases 1m reserve barrels

High oil prices have not led oil companies to increase production, and instead the sector has focused on creating more profits for investors

Oliver O'Connell31 March 2022 21:00

Asked about whether the White House is trolling Vladimir Putin, Ms Bedingfield responds: “Those are your words not ours.”

Oliver O'Connell31 March 2022 21:02

The White House stands by Biden campaign statement that there was nothing unethical about his son Hunter’s dealings in Ukraine and China.

Oliver O'Connell31 March 2022 21:05

Ms Bedingfield spoke about on Republican senators asking President Biden to do more to help end the pandemic while refusing to vote for more funding.

“We hope that these senators will follow their own advice and provide resources for the global response, because now is the time to act,” she says.

Oliver O'Connell31 March 2022 21:19

For Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin to speak would “require significant demonstration from the Russians of serious de-escalation,” says Ms Bedingfield, “and we have not seen that.”

Oliver O'Connell31 March 2022 21:27

Psaki criticises laws targeting trans people and abortion in Arizona and Oklahoma

White House press secretary Jen Psaki criticised four bills signed into law in Arizona and Oklahoma this week targeting transgender young people and restricting abortion care, among dozens of bills filed by Republican legislators this year aimed at LGBT+ Americans and abortion rights.

The Republican governors of both states signed bills into law banning transgender athletes from participating in women’s sports.

Ms Psaki called the measures “extreme and harmful”.

“These laws are unacceptable and we won’t stop fighting for justice and equality,” she said on Twitter.

Jen Psaki criticises ‘extreme and harmful’ laws targeting trans athletes and abortion

‘These laws are unacceptable and we won’t stop fighting for justice and equality’

Oliver O'Connell31 March 2022 21:45

Russia state TV calls Gabbard ‘our friend Tulsi’

Russian state TV has continued to air Fox News clips that align with Vladimir Putin’s spin on the invasion of Ukraine, most recently showing a Tucker Carlson interview with former Democratic US Representative Tulsi Gabbard, whom the Russian host introduced as “our friend”.

Josh Marcus reports.

Russia state TV calls Gabbard ‘our friend Tulsi’ as Tucker Carlson interview aired

Onetime Democratic presidential hopeful accused Joe Biden of lying about motives in Ukraine

Oliver O'Connell31 March 2022 22:05

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