AP News Digest 3:50 a.m.

Via AP news wire
Thursday 12 November 2020 08:52 GMT
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Here are the AP’s latest coverage plans, top stories and promotable content. All Times EST. For up-to-the minute information on AP’s coverage, visit Coverage Plan at https://newsroom ap.org.




PENTAGON TURMOIL — Abrupt changes in the Pentagon’s top leadership have raised fears about what President Donald Trump may try to do in his final two months of office, and whether the military’s long held apolitical nature could be upended. Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley says the military takes an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution, not to “a king or a queen, a tyrant or a dictator.” By Lolita C. Baldor. SENT: 960 words, photos.

ELECTION 2020-TRUMP VOTERS — Across the country, many of the 71.9 million people who voted for Trump are working through emotions in the wake of his loss. Grief, anger and shock are among the feelings being expressed by those who assumed he would win, and many are skeptical of the results. By Tamara Lush, Adam Geller and Michelle Price. SENT: 1,370 words, photos.

VIRUS OUTBREAK-CALIFORNIA-1 MILLION CASES — California is reaching an unwelcome coronavirus milestone: its 1 million confirmed infection. The state's early action to order people to stay at home was successful in curtailing the spread, but each time it has relaxed restrictions, cases have risen. With cases increasing quickly in the state and nationwide, health officials are warning people to limit travel during the holidays and rethink their annual gatherings. By Brian Melley and Amy Taxin. SENT: 1,030 words, photos. With VIRUS-OUTBREAK-US-SURGE — Texas tops 1 million cases as COVID-19 surge engulfs the U.S.

SYRIA-50-YEARS-OF-ASSAD — On Nov. 13, 1970, a young air force officer from the coastal hills of Syria launched a bloodless coup. It was the latest in a succession of military takeovers since independence from France in 1946, and there was no reason to think it would be the last. Yet 50 years later, Hafez Assad’s family still rules Syria. By Zeina Karam. SENT: 1,070 words, photos.

VATICAN-MCCARRICK-NOW-WHAT? — The Vatican’s report into ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick has raised uncomfortable questions the Holy See will have to confront going forward, chief among them what it’s going to do about current and future clergy who abuse their power to sexually abuse adults. By Nicole Winfield. SENT: 1,280 words, photos.

TROPICAL WEATHER — Tropical Storm Eta dumped torrents of blustery rain on Florida’s west coast as it marched over the Gulf of Mexico toward an expected landfall north of the heavily populated Tampa Bay area. By Curt Anderson. SENT: 570 words, photos.




PENN-STATE-BROWN — Heart condition forces Penn St. running back Brown to give up football. SENT: 250 words, photo.




CONGRESS-BIDEN — President-elect Joe Biden feels very much at home on Capitol Hill, but the place sure has changed since he left. SENT: 1,060 words, photos. With BIDEN-CHIEF OF STAFF — Biden chooses longtime adviser Ron Klain as chief of staff.

TRUMP — Out of sight in a mostly frozen White House, Trump is tweeting angry charges, mulling his options, largely forgoing the mechanics of governing and blocking the transition to Biden, his inevitable Democratic successor. SENT: 1,130 words, photos, video.

TRUMP-LEGAL CHALLENGES — Trump loyalists have filed legal challenges in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada and Michigan, but election officials from both parties say there’s been no conspiracy. SENT: 880 words, photos.

BIDEN-INTELLIGENCE — Biden says he’s not worried that Trump won’t let him read the ultra-secret daily brief containing the nation’s most sensitive intelligence before inauguration, but national security and intelligence experts hope Trump changes his mind. SENT: 1,040 words, photos.

ELECTION-SENATE-GEORGIA — Opening salvos of Georgia’s twin Senate runoff campaign showcase starkly different approaches the two parties are taking to the unusual circumstances that make this newfound battleground ground zero for the national battle for U.S. Senate dominance. SENT: 840 words, photos.




VIRUS OUTBREAK-ITALY-HOSPITALS — During Italy’s autumn resurgence of the pandemic, concern is falling less on intensive care wards and more on regular medical wards. SENT: 1,010 words, photos.

VIRUS-OUTBREAK-VIRUS-FREE — A few places in the world, mostly small island nations in the South Pacific, have yet to report even a single case of coronavirus. SENT: 950 words, photos.

VIRUS-OUTBREAK-VIRAL-QUESTIONS-FLYING — Anyone thinking about flying for the holidays should know that flights are getting more crowded and that more airlines plan to stop blocking seats. SENT: 300 words, graphic.

VIRUS-OUTBREAK-TURKEY — Turkey’s interior ministry bans smoking in public places across the country to curb the spread of COVID-19. SENT: 160 words, photos.

VIRUS OUTBREAK-ASIA — India reported 47,905 new cases of coronavirus infection with New Delhi setting another daily record. SENT: 550 words, photo. With VIRUS-OUTBREAK-THE-LATEST.

VIRUS OUTBREAK-LIVES LOST-SMILING TEEN — A smiling teenager from Louisiana was ready to meet the future until he succumbed to the coronavirus. SENT: 830 words, photos.

Find more coverage on the Virus Outbreak on the featured topic page in AP Newsroom.




HONG-KONG-LAWMAKERS-DISQUALIFIED — Hong Kong’s legislature opens ahead of the planned mass resignation of its pro-democracy bloc, one day after the government ousted four of its members. SENT: 840 words, photos.

BIDEN-WORLD-LEADERS — World leaders spoke to President-elect Joe Biden about cooperating on the coronavirus pandemic, climate change and other issues, even as Trump’s refusal to concede complicates the U.S. post-election transition. SENT: 800 words, photos.

ETHIOPIA-MILITARY-CONFRONTATION — Tensions over the deadly conflict in Ethiopia are spreading well beyond its cut-off Tigray region, as the federal government said some 150 suspected “operatives” accused of seeking to “strike fear and terror” throughout the country have been detained. SENT: 540 words, photo.

VIETNAM-ASEAN — Vietnam’s prime minister highlights challenges Southeast Asian nations and others faced this year as he opened a regional summit that is again largely being held online due to the pandemic. SENT: 390 words, photos.




GEORGIA CHASE-DEADLY SHOOTING — A Georgia judge is scheduled to consider bond requests by a father and son jailed on murder charges in the February shooting of Ahmaud Arbery. SENT: 550 words, photos.

JANE-FONDA-NONPROFIT-ANNIVERSARY — Jane Fonda is celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Georgia-based nonprofit organization she founded to prevent teenage pregnancies. SENT: 310 words, photo, video.




VIRUS OUTBREAK-HOLIDAY SHIPPING CRUNCH — Retailers and carriers are preparing for an online holiday shopping surge that could tax shipping networks and lead to delivery delays. By Retail Writer Anne D’Innocenzio. SENT: 900 words, photos, video.

FINANCIAL-MARKETS — Stocks fell back across Asia after gains for big technology shares pushed most Wall Street benchmarks higher. By Business Writer Elaine Kurtenbach. SENT: 730 words, photos.

BRITAIN-ECONOMY — The British economy remained nearly 10% smaller at the end of the third quarter despite posting a record summer bounce-back when many of the restrictions associated with the lockdown were lifted. SENT: 430 words, photos.




MASTERS PREVIEW — The Masters and major championship golf have another real estate problem: His name is Bryson DeChambeau. By Sports Writer Jim Litke. SENT: 750 words, photo. UPCOMING: Play begins at 7 a.m.




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