Laura Bush hints that she would like to see Hillary Clinton become president

Laura Bush said she wants to see a president who cares about women in Afghanistan


Rachael Revesz
New York
Monday 11 April 2016 16:38 BST
Hillary Clinton called Laura Bush 'an ally' on their fight to get Afghan women's voices heard
Hillary Clinton called Laura Bush 'an ally' on their fight to get Afghan women's voices heard (Rex Features)

The wife of George W Bush has hinted that she would prefer to see democrat Hillary Clinton in the White House due to her track record regarding women in Afghanistan.

Laura Bush, 69, speaking alongside her daughters and women leaders at the annual New York Women in the World summit, indicated she would prefer anyone else to become president other than Donald Trump.

During the 3-day summit, she talked about her book on Afghan women she published in conjunction with the George W Bush Institute.

“I want our next president – whoever he or she might be – to be somebody who is interested in women in Afghanistan and who will continue US policies… that we continue to do what we're committed to do as a country,” she said, as reported by The Telegraph.

“That's who I want - or the kind of people that will do that and will pay attention to our history, and know what's what's happened before and know specifically how we can continue to do the good things that we do around the world.“

Hillary Clinton, 68, visited Afghanistan four times as Secretary of State.

She even wrote a cover for Ms Bush’s book, “We Are Afghan Women: Voices of Hope”, published in March.

“For over a decade, Laura Bush has been an ally and advocate for the women of Afghanistan and, in particular, has worked to ensure that the voices of Afghan women are heard,” Ms Clinton wrote.

Texas Senator Ted Cruz, who is battling Mr Trump, has not expressed any interest in Afghanistan apart from fighting terrorism.

Ms Bush was raised a democrat but has avoided directly airing her views or endorsing a particular candidate.

Ms Clinton's campaign could not be reached immediately for comment.

Her family suffered a blow when younger brother Jeb Bush dropped out of the presidential race after failing to get the same voting results as Mr Trump and Mr Cruz.

Ms Clinton received support last year from another unlikely source. Nancy Reagan, the late wife of former president Ronald Reagan, was quoted as saying “the time for a woman to serve as our president has come”.

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