Hillary Clinton to return to campaign trail after taking time off to recover from pneumonia

The Democratic nominee will return to the fray in North Carolina and Washington DC

Justin Carissimo
New York
Thursday 15 September 2016 12:26 BST
(Bryan Snyder/Reuters)

Hillary Clinton is ready to make her first public appearance after taking three days off the campaign trail to recover from pneumonia.

Her daughter Chelsea, husband Bill, and even President Barack Obama have been campaigning for the Democratic nominee in her absence. She spent her Tuesday resting at her home in Chappaqua, New York, watching the sitting president deliver a stump speech on her behalf.

"Thanks very much for your continued patience today as [Ms Clinton] remains home,” her campaign wrote in an email to reporters. “She has spent the day catching up on reading briefings, making calls, and she watched President Obama's speech in Philadelphia on TV. We will resume campaign travel on Thursday, more details to come.”

Clinton faints as she leaves 9-11 memorial

Ms Clinton fell ill on Sunday while attending a 9/11 memorial in New York City, causing her to leave the ceremony early. Her campaign later told the media that she was diagnosed with pneumonia and she was forced to cancel three campaign stops while she recovered.

On Monday, she told CNN that she was feeling much better and admitted that she had underestimated her sickness.

“I was supposed to rest five days—that's what they told me on Friday—and I didn't follow that very wise advice,” Clinton told CNN's Anderson Cooper over the phone.

"So I just want to get this over and done with and get back on the trail as soon as possible," she added.

She will make her first stop in Greensboro, North Carolina on Thursday and is scheduled to speak at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute’s Annual Awards Gala in Washington DC. As of Wednesday morning, there’s no word where Ms Clinton will stop in Greensboro.

A recent Univision poll of Latino voters in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, and Nevada shows Ms Clinton leading her Republican rival Donald Trump by 24 percentage points in the battleground states.

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