Super Tuesday: Jessica Biel, Billie Eilish, Laura Dern and other A-list celebrities take to the polls

A host of stars are donning 'I voted' badges to encourage followers to cast their ballots in the primary election

Louise Hall
Wednesday 04 March 2020 00:20 GMT
Super Tuesday: Elizabeth Warren votes in Cambridge, Massachusetts

A list celebrities have taken to social media to showcase their participation in Super Tuesday in a bid to encourage Americans to get down to the polls.

Stars such as Michelle Pfeiffer, Laura Dern, and Jessica Biel have taken to Instagram and Twitter to show their support for the election.

The results will play a major part in determining which Democratic candidate will contest Trump for president in November.

Michelle Pfeiffer was quick to encourage her 1.3 million followers to participate, taking to Instagram donning an ‘I voted’ badge with two thumbs up.

'PLEEEASE VOTE!!! #SuperTuesday,' the actress posted alongside the photo.

Other celebrities have been using the sticker in creative ways to raise awareness of Super Tuesday all over social media.

Marriage Story's Laura Dern joined in the encouragement, sharing an image with her son Ellery Harper, who at the age of 18 experienced voting for the first time.

“What a moment going to vote for the first time with your child! We did it! Have you? Let’s vote so we can feel hopeful for our planet!” She wrote.

Elizabeth Banks took to twitter to share a picture of the sticker stuck to puckered lips, with the caption: "Let your voices be heard. #Vote #SuperTuesday."

Voting will take place in 14 states today and allocate 34 percent of pledged Democratic delegates.

Jessica Biel also displayed her 'I voted' badge proudly with a witty caption.

“Proof that I did more than just eat cake today. If you don’t vote, then you don’t get a sticker to post on Instagram. You also don’t get to have your voice heard and influence the world we all live in, but also… the sticker.”

Singer Billie Eilish targeted the young electorate in a video on twitter talking about her experience as a first-time voter and encouraging others to register

"Today's Super Tuesday and like a lot of you I am going to be voting for the first time and so are you and you gotta make sure you're registered to vote already."

Academy Award winner Viola Davis posted a selfie with a simple caption of "#vote', smiling to the camera from the seat of a car.

Other influencers have made more direct political statements about who they are voting for through posts to their fans.

Janelle Monáe made a direct tweet encouraging her followers to support Elizabeth Warren, writing only "Elizabeth Warren ." in the post.

Dua Lipa showed support for Bernie Sanders in a tweet to her 4.1million followers.

The singer made an emotional post advocating for Sanders which read: "What happens in America doesn’t stay in America. The whole world is crying out for kinder and more inclusive leadership. If you are in a Super Tuesday state, please vote for the president you all deserve."

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