How do you say Pete Buttigieg?

Not sure how to pronounce the millennial candidate's last name? Fear not! We've got you covered.

Chris Riotta
New York
Friday 07 February 2020 21:39 GMT
How to pronounce Buttigieg

There are a number of challenges Pete Buttigieg may face during his bid for the White House, from convincing voters to elect the nation’s first openly gay president, to reminding folks that 38-years-old is, in fact, old enough to serve as the commander-in-chief.

But there is perhaps one roadblock that could prove more difficult for him to overcome than anything else: getting voters to correctly pronounce his last name.

Despite spending an entire year on the campaign trail, the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana — who was relatively unknown throughout the country before joining the presidential race — has been entirely unsuccessful in getting the masses to learn the accurate pronunciation.

“Boot-uh-egg”, some newscasters say with puzzled looks.

“Boo-da-jug”, others mumble, their faces red with embarrassment.

“Booty-judge”, my friend once said at a dinner party, which was admittedly very funny.

But none of these are anywhere near accurate.

No, the Democratic presidential hopeful’s useful name-pronunciation stickers have not helped much. Much like how a catchy tune has not inspired voters to practice saying “Buttigieg” in the mirror for a solid 20 minutes.

Not even the mayor’s own explanations of how to say his name correctly were working by the time he nearly won Iowa’s first-in-the-nation caucus.

“It’s Boot-edge-edge,” the former mayor attempts to helpfully explain during media appearances and fundraising events.

The candidate has also told crowds: “My name is Pete Buttigieg, and where I come from, they just call me Mayor Pete.”

But even that explanation doesn’t quite do the former mayor’s last name justice. That’s right: sorry, Mr Buttigieg, but not even you are saying you’re own last name correctly when you pronounce it “Boot-edge-edge”.

The most technically accurate way to pronounce “Buttigieg” would be to say something most similar to “Buddha-judge”.

Hopefully this helps voters — and the mayor himself — as they continue paying close attention to the electoral process.

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