'Who does Trump owe money to?': Kamala Harris calls out president in VP debate with Mike Pence

Joe Biden’s running mate demanded answers on the president’s debts

Graeme Massie
Los Angeles
Thursday 08 October 2020 03:02 BST
Harris calls out president as Pence avoids directly denying report: 'Who does Trump owe money to?'
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Kamala Harris called out Donald Trump over the explosive tax allegations against the president in her debate with Mike Pence.

Ms Harris accused Mr Trump of “Covering up everything” from his taxes to his health in a fiery exchange with the vice president.

Joe Biden’s running mate mocked the president for reportedly only paying $750 in taxes, revealed by a New York Times investigation into his finances.

“Joe Biden has been so incredibly transparent and certainly in contrast the president has not, both in terms of health records and also let us look at taxes,” said Ms Harris.

"We now know because of great investigative journalism that Donald Trump paid $750 in taxes. 

"When I first heard about it I literally said $750,000? And it was like ‘No $750.’

"We now know that Donald Trump owes and is in debt for $400m.

“And just so everyone knows when we say in debt we means owes money to somebody.”

Ms Harris went on to compare Mr Biden’s honesty with that of Mr Trump.

“Joe has been transparent for many years, he is honest and forthright, and Donald Trump has been about covering up everything," she said.

In response Mike Pence did not himself deny the New York Times reporting but said the president did.

"The president has said those public reports are not accurate and the president has released stacks of financial disclosures,' said Mr Pence.

“The American people have a businessman and job creator who has paid tens of millions in payroll taxes, property taxes and has created tens of thousands of American jobs.”

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