Trump seizes on allegations against Joe Biden made in Fox News interview

President campaigns in Nebraska for one electoral college vote at risk

Andrew Buncombe
Wednesday 28 October 2020 02:37 GMT
Trump seizes on allegations against Joe Biden made in Fox News interview

Donald Trump has seized on unproven allegations made about Joe Biden in a Fox News interview, saying if his Democratic rival is elected, he will do bad “things”.

Speaking to supporters in Omaha, Nebraska, on his third campaign stop of the day through the American heartland, the president referred to an interview broadcast on the right-wing news channel in which a former business partner of Mr Biden’s son, Hunter, claimed the former vice president’s denial of knowing about his son’s dealings was a “blatant lie”.

“Moments ago we learned about the other reason Joe Biden has been hiding in his basement,” said Mr Trump, the timing of the revelation conveniently made public in time for him to tell the crowd.

“Biden family's business partner revealed shocking disturbing and explosive information about Joe Biden's corrupt and illicit foreign business dealings while he was vice president.”

A week before election day, he added: “The business partner made clear that Biden's denial of involvement in his son's corrupt business dealings was a blatant lie”

Depending where in the nation one was watching, at around the same time the president was speaking, Tony Bobulinski, a former business associate of Hunter Biden, was appearing on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show to claim his father was aware of alleged improper business dealings involving his son.

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Mr Biden has denied his son received any favours as a businessman in either China or Ukraine, as has been alleged, as a result of the then vice president’s involvement in those countries.

He last week flatly dismissed the notion, when the matter was raised during the final presidential debate. “I have not taken a penny from any foreign source, ever, in my life,” Mr Biden said.

When asked by moderator Kristen Welker if it was appropriate for Hunter Biden to pursue business interests in those countries when he was vice president, he replied: “Nothing was unethical.”

He even referred to witness testimony delivered during the president’s impeachment investigation, which he said proved there was nothing improper.

Mr Bobulinski watched last week’s debate as a guest of the president. He told Fox News when Mr Biden made the denial he almost shouted out.

“I'll be honest with you, I almost stood up and screamed 'liar' and walked out because I was shocked that after four days or five days that they prep for this, that the Biden family is taking that position to the world,” he said.

The state of Nebraska has just five electoral college votes. In 2016, the president received all of them, when he beat Hillary Clinton, 58-33.

Yet the Associated Press said the president was heaping special attention on Nebraska’s 2nd Congressional District. Nebraska is one of two states that awards electoral votes to each of its congressional districts, in addition to awarding electoral votes for winning the entire state.

Polls show the race for the Omaha area’s 2nd District — and its single electoral vote — is much closer. Indeed, a poll published by the New York Times last month gave Mr Biden a seven-point lead.

The fact that he needs to campaign in the state for a single electoral college vote – he is expected to win the other four – shows just how close he thinks the race may be.

“Seven days from now, we’re going to win Nebraska,” Mr Trump said on Tuesday night. “You know we have to win both Nebraskas, you’re two, you’re cut.”

Additional reporting by Associated Press

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