Stormy Daniels: Salacious details in porn actress' book 'not designed to humiliate Donald Trump'

Description of president's penis included only 'to prove I was telling the truth', she says

Harriet Agerholm
Friday 05 October 2018 22:58 BST
'At least it's the truth': Stormy Daniels on her new 'tell all' book

Adult film actress Stormy Daniels has denied she revealed salacious details about her alleged affair with Donald Trump to humiliate him.

She included a description of his penis in her new book merely to “prove that I was telling the truth” about her relationship with the US president, she claimed.

In her book, Full Disclosure, Ms Daniels, real name Stephanie Clifford, said the billionaire’s genitals resembled “the mushroom character in [the video game] Mario Kart”.

After their encounter the porn star was paid some $130,000 (£99,000) in a non-disclosure agreement through Mr Trump’s lawyer, Michael Cohen, who has since pleaded guilty to a string of charges related to Robert Mueller’s Russia probe.

The deal was signed in October 2016, only days before the presidential election.

The actress told BBC2’s Newsnight: “Unless he’s had a penis transplant then I’m pretty sure that’s a checkmate.”

Asked by presenter Emily Maitlis if she was trying to humiliate the president, Ms Daniels said Mr Trump “attacked me first”, adding: “I would never humiliate someone for no reason, or for any reason.”

Ms Daniels said: “I actually don’t make it a habit to kiss and tell, part of me feels guilty about doing that.

“But by recounting every detail, I think it’s obvious that I know things that only someone who had actually experienced and been there would know.

“And I would never have included any of those things, or kiss and tell for lack of a better explanation, if it wasn’t for the fact that I was being called a liar.”

Mr Trump has denied having an affair with Ms Daniels, although he has admitted to personally reimbursing his personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, for the money Ms Daniels received in a hush agreement.

During the Newsnight interview, Ms Daniels insisted the alleged encounter with Mr Trump was consensual and she was not motivated by money.

“He mentioned something about a part on a TV show, it was never specifically said ‘hey, if you have sex with me I will give you this’, it wasn’t anything like that.

“But it was definitely not a MeToo moment.

“And that’s another really irritating thing, is when people think that I was either a prostitute or a victim: I was neither.”

Ms Daniels also said she believed people were quicker to discount her account because of her job.

“They, for some reason, think that because of my job, I’m to be trusted less than someone who is perhaps like a schoolteacher or accountant,” she said.

“I’m very grateful to all the women who have stood up and supported me, but some of the nastiest comments I’ve gotten are from other women who think that I am not worth believing or that I’m inhuman because I work in the adult business.”

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