Hurricane Irma: Outrage after amateur sign language interpreter warned of ‘bears and monsters’ in storm update

Marshall Greene was drafted in because officials knew 'he had a deaf brother'

Jeff Farrell
Saturday 16 September 2017 15:38 BST
Sign language interpreter spoke gibberish, warning of bears and monsters in Hurricane Irma update

There was outrage among the deaf community when it emerged that a sign language interpreter, who warned about “bears and monsters” ahead of Hurricane Irma, was an amateur with no expertise for the role.

Officials in Florida’s Manatee County had called the public conference to give information about the threat level and possible evacuations ahead of violent winds that ripped through the state.

But rather than hire a paid expert or use captions, they brought in county lifeguard Marshall Greene – because they knew ”he had a deaf brother”.

During the press briefing, Mr Greene signed phrases including: “Help you at that time to use bear big”, and words such as “pizza” and “monster” instead of vital storm information.

The deaf community in Florida, which is estimated to number some 200,000, hit back on social media and accused him of putting lives in danger.

Former president of the National Association of the Deaf, Chris Wagner, said he knew something was wrong when Mr Greene started doing sign language.

“Everybody was talking about it on social media,” he told the WFLA news channel. “Everyone was shocked, asking leaders in the deaf community to do something about it.”

He added that Mr Greene was making obvious mistakes when interpreting, such as wearing a bright yellow top rather than black which would have made his hands more visible.

“It was obvious to me he wasn’t a professional interpreter. I was totally shocked,” Mr Wagner said.

The founder of sign language interpretation service agency VisCom, which is often hired by Manatee County, could not explain why officials failed to hire one of her workers.

“It was horribly unnerving for me,“ said Charlene McCarthy. ”To watch that, knowing I could provide a qualified, certified interpreter.”

Social media users also hit out during the conference. Maggie Gregory wrote: “What a disservice to the deaf community at such a critical time.” Another wrote that lives were put in “danger”.

Mr Greene’s family has defended him, saying he was only helping out at the press conference after organisers approached him. They added he was not familiar with the language used by the officials.

His father, who was not named, told WFLA: “He can’t expect to communicate something he doesn’t know.”

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