New York Jets owner Woody Johnson 'named UK ambassador'

The 69-year-old billionaire has long been considered a favourite for the job

Lucy Pasha-Robinson
Thursday 19 January 2017 21:35 GMT
New York Jets owner Woody Johnson
New York Jets owner Woody Johnson (Reuters)

Donald Trump appears to have named New York Jets owner Woody Johnson as the next US ambassador to the UK.

Speaking at a Washington luncheon, the President-elect introduced a guest as "sitting next to the ambassador Woody Johnson, going to Saint James."

The role's official title is Ambassador of the United States to the Court of St James's, named after the royal court for the sovereign of the UK.

"Congratulations, Woody," Mr Trump added.

Chairman of the Commons Foreign Affairs Committee Crispin Blunt said: "I have no doubt he will be able to carry out the duties of ambassador to the Court of St James's with considerable style."

While Mr Johnson's appointment has not been formally announced, the 69-year-old billionaire has long been considered a favourite for the job.

The businessman and philanthropist from the Johnson & Johnson family has known Mr Trump for years, although he originally backed his rival Jeb Bush in the Republican presidential primary.

Mr Johnson later pledged his support to the real-estate mogul when it became clear he would be the party's nominee.

He went on to become a major fundraiser in the last month's of Mr Trump's presidential campaign, and was appointed finance chair of his inaugural committee in November.

Mr Johnson, who has owned the NFL team since 2000, will likely relinquish operational control of the club, with a source telling it would not be “practical” otherwise.

The appointment will see the sporting tycoon take up residence in Winfield House, a palatial mansion set on 12 acres in London’s Regent’s Park.

Winfield House is the official residence of the Ambassador of the United States of America to the Court of St. James
Winfield House is the official residence of the Ambassador of the United States of America to the Court of St. James (US embassy)

Visiting US Presidents also regularly stay at the residence.

The position is considered to be the most prestigious in the US foreign service owing to the "special relationship" shared between the two countries.

Mr Johnson is not be the first American football team owner to be appointed US ambassador.

Pittsburgh Steelers' Dan Rooner was ambassador to Ireland between 2009 and 2012.

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