Official search for missing runner called off despite cries being heard from canyon

Volunteers continue daily meet-ups to look for him

Helen Elfer
Friday 16 July 2021 19:02 BST
Authorities scale back search for missing East Bay runner

The search for missing East Bay runner Philip Kreycik has been scaled back after attempts to find him were unsuccessful.

Mr Kreycik, 37, went missing last Saturday after telling his wife he was going for a run in Pleasanton Ridge Regional Park.

A major search effort, on foot and using tracking dogs, drones and planes fitted with thermal imaging equipment took place this week to no avail.

"We should have seen him by now," said Sgt. Ray Kelly of the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office. “There should have been something that led us to him, and that’s what’s hard to digest here."

There was brief hope of a lead on Wednesday morning, when a family heard cries coming from a canyon. A friend of Mr Kreycik’s went to the area and also heard a call for help.

Experienced hikers from a volunteer group then went to explore the canyon, but returned having found no trace of him.

"We’ll continue to pursue leads; we’ll continue to do follow ups," Ron Seitz, volunteer chief of Alameda County Search and Rescue, told ABC7 News.

Mr Kreycik’s wife, Jen Yao, told the channel how difficult the week has been: "It takes every molecule in my body to stay in the moment. And every fibre of my being is taking care of our kids during this time."

Jen Yao, wife of missing East Bay runner speaks to ABC7 News
Jen Yao, wife of missing East Bay runner speaks to ABC7 News (ABC7 News)

Ms Yao added that she hadn’t given up hope. “I know in my heart of hearts he’s out there. He’s out there and he’s alive and he’s waiting for us. And maybe he’s dehydrated, maybe injured, delirious,” she said.

Police say Mr Kreycik’s car was found undisturbed where he had parked it near the Moller Ranch staging area, with his wallet and mobile still inside. It is unclear if Mr Kreycik had carried any water with him.

Volunteers efforts continue, and are being organised through the Find Philip Kreycik Facebook group which now has more than 8,000 members.

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