Making a Murderer: Steven Avery appeals conviction in Teresa Halbach case

Avery was previously wrongfully convicted in a rape case

Serina Sandhu
Wednesday 13 January 2016 14:13 GMT
Steven Avery, the subject of the new Netflix documentary
Steven Avery, the subject of the new Netflix documentary

A man who was convicted of killing a photographer, and whose case is the subject of the Netflix series “Making a Murderer”, has filed an appeal to be released.

Steven Avery was convicted over the death of Teresa Halbach in 2007 in Wisconsin. His nephew, Brendan Dassey, was also convicted.

For many people, the Netflix series has cast doubt on the legal process used to convict them, but authorities involved in the case have said it is biased.

In the appeal filed by Avery at the Wisconsin Court of Appeals on Monday, the 53-year-old has made a number of claims, including that the search carried during the investigation was improper and that a juror directly or indirectly influenced other jurors.

According to the appeal papers, Avery claimed: “The Judge Angela Sutkiewicz, Inartfully Circomnavigated Around irrefutable, Uncontrovertable Evidence in Averys Favour that both refutes and rebukes the Memorandum Decision [sic]...”

The filing reportedly does not include his attorney’s name.

Avery sued Manitowoc County for millions of dollars after he served 18 years in prison for being wrongfully convicted in a rape case in 1985. DNA evidence later proved he did not commit the crime.

Sheriff Robert Hermann, of Manitowoc County, said he had not seen the appeal but said the investigation had been proper.

Making A Murderer- Where are they now?

A petition to free Steven Avery has garnered more than 410,000 signatures from people who want him to be pardoned by Scott Walker, the governor of Wisconsin, and President Barack Obama, after watching the Netflix series.

The petition reads: “Steven Avery should be exonerated at once by pardon, and the Manitowoc County officials complicit in his two false imprisonments should be held accountable to the highest extent of the US criminal and civil justice systems.”

But Mr Walker has said he will not be intervening in the case. He told WQOW television: “Just because a documentary on TV says something doesn’t mean that’s actually what the evidence shows.”

Additional reporting by AP

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