Ivanka Trump didn’t want to read books about ‘f***ing poor people’, claims ‘ex-best friend’ in new exposé

First daughter obsessed with money like her father, says old friend

Matt Mathers
Wednesday 18 November 2020 13:37 GMT
‘What part of you thinks I would be interested in this?’ Ms Trump allegedly said in response to book suggestion
‘What part of you thinks I would be interested in this?’ Ms Trump allegedly said in response to book suggestion (Getty Images)
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A woman who says she was Ivanka Trump's best friend in school claims the future first daughter once told her: “why would you tell me to read a book about f***ing poor people?”

Lysandra Ohrstrom, 38, attended New York's Chapin School with Ms Trump during the 90s and claims the pair were "inseparable" for more than a decade before their differences drove them apart.

Just a little over a week after Donald Trump's election defeat to Joe Biden, Ms Ohrstrom has launched a scathing attack on her old pal, painting a picture of a spoilt brat who looked down on poor people and blamed others for her bad behaviour.

Recalling one conversation the two women had in their 20s, Ms Ohrstrom recommended Richard Russo's 2001 Pulitzer Prize-winning book Empire Falls, a novel that follows the story of Miles Roby in a fictional, small working-class town in Maine.

“Ly, why would you tell me to read a book about f***ing poor people?” Ms Trump allegedly responded. “What part of you thinks I would be interested in this?”

Writing in Vanity Fair magazine on Tuesday, Ms Ohrstrom, a journalist, says she and Ms Trump remained close until shortly after the latter's marriage to Jared Kushner. Both Mr Kushner and Ms Trump are serving as unpaid advisors to the president.

Ms Ohrstrom, one of two "maids of honour" at Ms Trump's 2009 wedding, said the pair fell out after Ms Trump failed to take an interest in her new role working as a journalist in Beirut. They now have a distant but civil friendship, Ms Ohrstrom says.

According to Ms Ohrstrom, the first daughter is polite and charming in public but in private is obsessed with money and power like her father.

Ms Trump also encouraged other girls at school to behave badly and would often blame her classmates for her own misdemeanours, Ms Ohrstrom claims.

On one occasion she is alleged to have coaxed other girls into flashing their breasts at a "hot dog man" from the windows of their school. “Ivanka had basically been the ringleader, but she pleaded her innocence to the headmistress and got off scot-free”, Ms Ohrstrom claims.

"The rest of us were suspended," she added.

On another ocassion, Ms Trump blamed someone else for a fart she did in class, according to Ms Ohrstrom. "One of the earliest memories I have of Ivanka from before we were friends is when she blamed a fart on a classmate," she said.

The Independent has contacted the White House for comment.

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